Monday, May 28, 2018

Cheese & Splash!

Well, peeps.

We totally did it!

We dragged our sorry, weary, dosed-up carcasses out of the house for a truly fun holiday.

And we spaced the activity out enough that we were still standing(ish) and breathing(ish) by the end of the day.


It started with a productive mid-morning run to the grocery store so we wouldn’t starve in the near future. Now, I know you desperately want pictures from this outing...alas, I did not capture any.

However, after running home to toss the cold stuff in the fridge, we made a beeline for the next event on the agenda...

Chuck E Cheese’s!

Yup. That’s right. It happened.

Now, this was the hubby’s brilliant idea, and I gotta say—it sounded a bit like self-inflicted torture.


I’m so ridiculously happy to report that I was wildly wrong. It was a blast!

Mainly because some things have changed with The Cheese in the two decades since I’ve been. You now just pay a flat fee for a certain amount of play time (say, 30 minutes), and get unlimited games. Woohoo!

Do you know how much angst this saves???

Bless you, Cheese. Bless you.

It made this inaugural trip sooooo easy breezy, Chuck E Cheesy (couldn’t help myself).

The kiddos were pumped (understatement alert).

They danced with the mouse...

And played every game in sight.

Chica was a super-enthusiastic ticket tracker.

And look at this fun photo booth sketch. I got one for each kiddo. :)

Could he be any cuter with his basketball and saggy pants???

I mean, it was seriously a good time. A classic right-of-kid-passage. And surprisingly affordable because of the unlimited play. Will definitely be going back.


And if that fun wasn’t time, the hubby and I were still alive, so we surprised the kiddos with an evening trip to our beloved pool—that opened for its first weekend of the season!

I mean, we were all pumped to be there. Bronchitis and all.

And despite Chica’s final two weeks of school, it really feels like the summer is upon us. :)

Though something tells me this summer is going to be the best kind of challenge for this Mama. These rascals are a lot. In every way.

So I better rest up and put my summer game face on. It’ll be here before we know it!

Now please enjoy this friendly(ish) sibling push...

Gotta love it.

Happy Memorial Day to all, and God Bless the men and women who have served to enable the lives we all live.

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