Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Chicklet’s First Dance Recital!

Lo siento for the radio silence for a few days, but:

1) I’ve been lazy.
2) I’ve also been moderately busy.
3) So really a combo of lazy/busy.
4) And I’ve also been sick (upper respiratory funk that has surprisingly wiped my energy).

So to summarize: lazy, busy, with a frosting of respiratory-induced zombie funk = no posting for a few days.

But I’m gonna rectify that right here and now with the cutest pics in the world to end the radio silence:

Chicklet’s first dance recital pics!

Now, after the excitement and inaugural round of costume hoopla on picture/dress rehearsal day last week, this particular round was super low-key and lovely.

But also extra-special exciting because Daddy got to see the costume for the first time. Woohoo!

Though Chicklet was totally into the blush and the red lipstick, she was adamant about no eyeshadow, ha. Why? I have no idea. But I didn’t push it because she’s so dang cute she doesn’t need all that, and she was still pretty dang pumped to wear the costume. :)

And show off some moves, hehe.

And watch a little TV before it was time to leave so she didn’t mess herself up, ha.

Now, I have to go on record as saying this was totally the easiest-breeziest recital round ever. And it will never happen like this again.

Here’s the dealio:

Chicklet’s class was slated to perform in the second recital of the day, five numbers from the end, oye.

Which meant there were 28 dances before theirs—and an intermission.

And on top of that, I had a friend who was there early, and kindly texted me to tell me the whole show was starting 30 minutes late, because the first recital of the day ran long.

I mean, can I get a collective, disgruntled groan from everybody who’s ever been to one of these things, puh-lease???

As everyone the world over knows, your own kid is spectacular and adorable and amazeballs, but...sitting through everything else is not always the bestest of fun.

(Which is why I rarely invite family and friends because at this young age, it’s just not conducive to a super fun time. I swear I’m not trying to offend anyone or leave anyone out. Plus, it costs to go!)


We decided to be risky, and show up late—after the intermission—and even accounted for the delayed start in the show, as well. And then, the mother of all blessings occurred when the dance studio owner and teacher collectively decided to bump our three-and-four-year-olds up by several numbers so they wouldn’t have to wait any longer.

I mean, yaaaaaaaaaas.

So we literally breezed in (well, Chicklet and I did, while everyone else zoomed down the street to buy a stuffed animal since we left Chicklet’s at home, and she was supposed to dance with it, ha), only had to wait through a few numbers, and then breezed right back out!

Tacky? Totally.

I mean, I felt pretty smarmy and guilty—especially since dance class has been a wonderful blessing for us over the past theee years.

But with three kiddos and tired parents on this particular royal wedding Saturday...we just appreciated the good fortune this year. :)

Chicklet did completely fantastic!

She was so excited to go on stage, and so spot-on with her moves. And afterwards, she breezed through the stage door to greet her family, declaring, “I did so GREAT!” Because her Mama had just told her that a million times, hehe. ;)

And beyond being so proud of her, I was also wildly proud of Chica all afternoon. Because I was so concerned she would be pouty and perhaps a tad jealous of the costume/process, etc., since she wasn’t in the recital this year. But, nope! She was nothing but supportive and enthusiastic of her sister’s moment to shine, and her face in this picture pretty much says it all!

I mean...pride. And love. :)

So proud of my happy girl and the fun she’s had with dance class this year. It’s been yet another invaluable step in her socialization and classroom/prep.

And I’m so grateful for the buddies—Mama’s and kiddos—we’ve made along the way.

So, YAY, for recital 2018!

Over and out.

*mic drop

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