Thursday, October 8, 2020

My Babies In October 2020: Chicklet’s no secret that these past seven months have been spent in a concentrated family bubble. All together, all the time, and this Mama 100% immersed in her babies.

It’s been so challenging at times.

But, also, so precious.

And for some time, now, I’ve wanted to type up an ode to each of my babies and all of the beautiful little observations and personality traits and characteristics I want to remember from this specific point in time. 

A simple list of the tidbits about each of them that are poignant right now

So here you go.

My babies, as of October 2020.

Starting with my CHICKLET.

1. The Sleepover Queen

Given her druthers, she’d never sleep alone. And somehow, upon her urging, it’s become a sibling tradition to spend every weekend night in sleepover style.

They rotate and take turns “hosting” in one another’s rooms, where all three bunk together, and Chicklet is hands down the one who loves and encourages this tradition the most.

And Early on Friday morning, she’ll usually give me The Look, or sometimes say, “you know what I’m thinking,” and I just know she’s already planning her sibling slumbering. 

2. The Analogies of Her Brain

Today, she came creeping down the stairs with a not great look about her, and said, “Mama, my tummy feels like Jell-O.” And I adore that it was her way of saying she had a stomachache. (Never fear, she’s okay, now.)

Another example: a few weeks ago, after a particularly jam-packed day of schoolwork, she looked at me and said, “Mama, my brain feels like a volcano. All the stuff is just going to explode out of it.” And I laughed and squeezed her and assured her that even though her brain might hurt from all the learning, there would be no spontaneous explosions.

Instead, I explained that her brain was miraculous and like a sponge, and it could soak and soak and soak up sooooo many new things and she’d have room for it all.

And then she looked at me and said, “yeah, but you still have to squeeze a sponge out.”


I’s priceless how her mind works.

3. Deep Thoughts

And that wonderful brain of my Chicklet’s takes her down sentimental paths, too. Like when she looked at Daddy after her shower the other night and said, “what does it feel like to be a parent?” I mean...I die.

And she’s definitely the child o’ mine with curious, structural thoughts. Like when she asks about where the potty goes when we flush the toilet. Or how the water gets out of the sink.

That inquisitive, and boundless mind of hers will serve her so well in life. I absolutely know it.

4. In Tune With Things

She’s also so aware of the Earth and animals and everything on the planet. She’s recently expressed mild concern over eating certain meat, as she’s connecting the dots about its origins, and the other day, she sat me down and reiterated her preference that we bring millipedes and spiders, etc. outdoors instead of squishing them when we find them inside.

Oh, and I’m sure we all remember her deep breathing/zen episodes of a few weeks ago. :)

5. She’s Competitive...About Keeping Up

I’ve never seen little legs pedal so hard as when she wants to keep up with her sissy on bike rides. Same with her swimming skills. She’s got powerful little determination when she sets her mind to keeping up with the physical endeavors of our casa.

6. Loud Gaming

She’s generally the loudest video gamer of our house—and often keeps up a steady stream of humming or screaming or some other odd noise as she’s playing, just to make a sound. And she never sits still while playing. It’s hopping and bouncing and shouting, all the way.

7. Tippy Toes

My girl has to have THE BEST calf muscles on the planet, because she still—after all these years—stands, walks, climbs stairs, and jumps on her tippy toes. Her balance is insane, and I swear we’ve gotta get her back in dance class as soon as it’s safe and feasible. I hope in some capacity, she’s always on those tippy toes.

8. Pajama Lover

She’s absolutely the first of my babies to whip off her school clothes at the end of the day and revert back to pajamas. Nightgown life is everything to her.

9. Soft is Best

And on that front...softness of any fabric and any item of clothing is still, absolutely, the defining factor of her taste.

10. Rainbow Everything

While her official favorite color is blue, the real answer should probably be rainbow. Perhaps due to the continuing influence of her room, she’s all rainbows, all the time.

11. Rogue Princess Lover

She’s still really enjoying the Princess In Black book series we read to her on certain nights, and I think the stories suit her so well. Princess by day, secret, masked superhero by night (well, also by day, but you get the gist.)

12. Rescue Rider Lover

She adores this dragon show on Netflix (Rescue River), and even sings the songs all the time. Enthusiastically, and sometimes off-key. And I adore it.

13. Slow But Imaginative Reader

It’s just plain truth that my beautiful Chicklet’s reading isn’t quite as strong as I want it, yet. And part of the problem is that her imagination is too grand! Instead of always decoding the letters to any given word, she has much more fun guessing with her wild imagination—especially in relation to something she might see on the page. And I gotta say: sometimes her made-up words and sentences are a bit more fun. :)

14. Projects, Always

She’s most often the one to request some project time. And she’s a scissors champ.

15. Bubbled Up Laughter

When she really finds something fun/silly/humorous, she has the BEST back-of-the-throat and belly laugh that just gets me every time. It’s pure joy.

16. Snuggle Lover

She’s absolutely a snuggle lover and will take any and all cuddles she can get—and most definitely still comes to sit in mine or Daddy’s lap any chance she can get.

17. Never Alone

She goes nowhere without a stuffed animal friend.  Ever.

18. Scaredy Cat

Six months after the scorpion sighting in the powder bathroom that scared the bejeezes out of her, she still leans in and flicks on the light before stepping foot in the danger zone. Oye. And I kind of can’t blame her.

19. “Buddy” Love/Bicker

Because she hears me call Little Man “Buddy” quite often, she does, too. But only when she’s feeling magnanimous toward him. Forget about the pet names when they’re bickering. ;)

But can forget about attacking Little Man—even in jest—because she’s his greatest defender. “Don’t you touch my brother!” And that’s just when Daddy’s trying to tickle attack, ha.

20. Fruit Roll Up Lover

Of all my babies she’s the one who adores fruit roll-ups and fruit snacks the best. And she’s also the one of the three that loves anything Twizzler or Red Vine-related.

21. Hilarious Footwear

She’s mostly a socks and sandals combo kind of gal these days, ha. And often, they’re giant fuzzy socks that she had to cram into her shoes, tehe.

22. Wary Of Storms

Of my three, she’s the one who doesn’t want to be outside at all if rain is on the way (like at the tail end of a bike ride). It makes her really nervous.

I could go on and on and on about this amazing, soulful, creative, giggly kiddo of mine. I ADORE her to bits and pieces to bits. It’s mad love, ALWAYS.

And I can’t wait to see what the next seven or so months can bring.

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