Wednesday, October 7, 2020

My Mini Mario

Well, peeps.

It’s been a fairly smooth week, in terms of kiddos and virtual learning, but a pretty heavy one, in terms of other life happenings (more on all of that next week). 

And when I feel a bit down in the brain weeds (hehe, that sounds funny) like this, a little levity can go a long way.

So instead of a heavy post, please allow me to share lots of happy, happy, joy, joy about Little Man’s greatest new obsession:


Yup, that’s right. We’ve got a lot o’ Mario love happening ‘round our casa. And it’s been building and building over the past month or two.

I suppose it officially began with a bit of Mario game playing this Summer (and maybe even before that?), and sort of snowballed from there.

And wouldn’t you know it: as soon as you start an obsession like this, you suddenly see merchandise and fun tie-in tidbits everywhere—like when I went to Target yesterday and found this hilariously cute set of pajamas for Little Man:

And, of course, as luck—or the universe—would have it, LEGO just came out with a whole new line of interactive Mario fun, with expandable, create-your-own-video-game courses, and sound effects and everything! So, naturally, this was a fun part of Little Man’s birthday swag. :)

One LEGO, two LEGO...

The Mario for this is so coolio, with Bluetooth connectivity and lots of amazing sound effects that change based on different pieces included in different sets:

And it’s hilariously technologically advanced to me that you follow the building instructions on an app for this. No more old school paper instructions, ha.

There are so many course possibilities that you can keep building upon. I see lots of these in our future. ;)

But he has so much fun playing with them and enjoying this sound effects that it’s totally worth it.

As one would expect...we’ve tackled Mario ad a doodle, recently:

And, yesterday, after I’d spent some time in Chicklet’s room working through some of her assignments, I came out to find a masterpiece of a drawing Little Man completed by looking at the Nintendo game case. I LOVE it:

We have puzzles, and t-shirts (short sleeve, long-sleeve, you name it), and thanks to other kind family member birthday gifts, a backpack and watch, as well, ha.

I mean, the Mario love is strong in this house.

You know, with each phase of branded love we encounter, I wonder what could possibly snag one of my kiddos’ interests next.

I kind of love these new diversions just as much as they do. Fun for all—especially in a year like this, when we need diversions more than ever.

So, yay, to something new! And I’ll try to keep the spoiling to a minimum, ha.

Happy Hump Day, peeps.

We’re on the downhill weekend slide!

Over and out. 

P.S. This Mario video game might hike the hubby’s blood pressure more than any video game he plays with the kiddos, ha. It’s hysterical to listen to him trying to keep all four of them alive, since they play all together in one course, and nobody can go too far ahead or they all bite the dust, ha. It’s absolutely like herding cars, and a losing battle. But, bless him, for trying!

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