Sunday, February 14, 2021

My Frozen, Cozy Valentines

I mean...who in the world would have guessed it?

An actual WINTER down here in San Antonio!!

I wish I could post the video I just took of the incredible gusting ice and snow out our windows. It’s insane. Truly looks like a blizzard.

I mean, these are colors we just never see on our radar maps in South Texas:

Luckily, our crazy fivesome is tucked in snug as a bug. Living our best pajama life.

Just as we have been all weekend.

We’re stocked on food (thanks to a slightly treacherous round trip the hubby made for our online grocery pickup around lunch today). And tomorrow has already been declared a virtual school day. The kiddos were sent home with assignments from the teachers on Friday (in anticipation of this rare snow and ice), but we get to tackle it at our own pace, and enjoy the day. :)

I mean, these crazies are going to well and truly FREAK when they wake in the morning and look outside.

Why do I feel like I’ll be out there freezing my heiny off, building a snow/ice man with my little nuggets? ;)

Stay safe and sane and warm, peeps.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Over and out. 

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