Thursday, February 11, 2021

Thundersnow & My Chicklet

Well, m’peeps.

What a crazy weather day it was!

After weeks of barreling toward Spring, with only some minor cold-weather snaps thrown in here and there, we absolutely plummeted today. And experienced the rarest of rare events:


It’s pretty much exactly as it sounds. A thunder/lightning storm that happens in conjunction with snow—or in our case, sleeting rain. As apparently, either qualifies. 

For the record, we only heard the thunder, then saw the lightning strikes reported on the weather map within a few miles of us. But we did have have hours and hours of freezing rain (that didn’t hang around, because the ground was too warm to start with).

It really was the perfect day for snuggling in at home, although we didn’t get to stay there, considering the school drops offs and pick-ups, soccer, dance class, and a midday food run when the power went out and we couldn’t cook.


Despite the cold and cozy day, and the crazy thundersnow circumstances, my favorite bit of the day was something infinitely more rare and precious to me:

Some one-on-one time with my Chicklet, on her last day of virtual school/mandatory quarantine.

I love this beaming, silly, snuggly girl like mad, and I’m so grateful for the time with her. UGH. These pics just slay me. 

Happy Almost Friday, peeps.

Stay healthy, stay sane.

Over and out. 

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