Saturday, February 18, 2023

Bed Time/Reading Time

Okay, peeps.

Time for a follow up regarding a small thing, that has turned into a larger win in our household:

An extended bedtime for Chica!

So…background context: our kiddos have always been accustomed to pretty structured bedtimes. And I think I’m accurate in reporting that those structured bedtimes are on the conservative side, compared to some households.

But we’ve always operated within the guidelines of sleep being the root of all good or evil (we all know it’s true!) and that we’d rather be safe than sorry—especially when dealing with 6:15 a.m. weekday wake-ups for school. Ugh.


Chica has always (always, always) been our kiddo who has the toughest time falling asleep. Like, since her toddler years, this has been the case. Hence the use of melatonin allllll those years ago, as a helpful wind-down supplement.

Fast forward to present day, and our lovely eldest had been lobbying for a later bedtime for quite some time. Understandably, so, as bedtime is often associated with age and, and she was ready for more leeway.l to signify her ongoing maturity. Additionally, she made the claim, night after night, month after month, that it took her hours each night to fall asleep, which caused her a hefty bit of frustration.

Now. Obviously, we had to take some of those sleep pattern reports with a grain of salt, without an official tracker of any kind to verify these claims of hers, ha. But we figured a small adjustment to her bedtime might be a big way to show her we understand she’s aging and maturing and can (hopefully!) handle that bit of sleep loss without mood disruption.

Plus, if her claims were true, and she was taking a long time to officially fall asleep, then there would be no harm in allowing this later bedtime, right??


I’m thrilled to report that Chica’s later bedtime routine has worked like a charm.

We only give her about 20 minutes beyond Chicklet’s and Little Man’s unchanged bedtime, and Chica’s required to spend that extra time alone in her room, quietly reading, writing or drawing. No electronics, whatsoever. And no Mama and Daddy entertaining her.

No surprise: It took a week or two for all of us to settle into this new routine—including Chicklet and Little Man, who were a bit jealous, ha.

In fact, for a few days, I think Chica felt at a loss regarding her new freedom. What to draw? What to journal? What to read?? But eventually, she settled into an amazing reading routine—all thanks to this fantastic book series:

The summer after third grade, she was gifted the first book in this series by her wonderful homeroom teacher, in the hopes that Chica might read and enjoy it over the summer. It was such a thoughtful gesture, but one that didn’t take root…at that time. I think a 450-page book for Chica to read on her own at the age of eight-ish was a bit daunting. 

But good things come to those who wait! Ha.

A couple weeks into Chica’s new bedtime routine, she’d just finished a one-off book and found herself at loose reading ends. I gave her a couple suggestions that didn’t do the trick, and then one night, I pulled back out this first Land of Stories book, and…voila! Victory. :)

She made it alllll the way through that lengthy first book in perhaps 10 days. Reading at all times of day, bringing it to school in her backpack, and—of course!—reading during her delayed bedtime/quiet time. :)

Luckily, I saw the writing on the wall a few days into her reading and made sure to order the second book in the series so it would be on hand when she needed it. And my girl is already on the final few pages of that book—with the third on its way in the mail, ha. 

I believe there are six books in this particular series—and then another few that are a spin-off featuring the same setting/characters. 

And since each book is somewhere in the realm of 400-500 pages, that’s a solid, oh, 5,000-ish pages of reading to keep her well occupied for at least a few months, tehe.

Obviously, I try to encourage reading as much as humanly possible within our household, as I truly believe there’s no better activity for my babies in all the land. 

And I’m thrilled to see their interest growing and strengthening. :)

In fact, it’s pretty much the only thing I’m okay with them doing at the dinner table or in the car, ha. If they’re going to ignore me, it better be for a book! ;) 

I adore, adore, adore hearing Chica pop her head up from wherever she’s reading to ask me about a word. The vocabulary expansion is such a fantastic thing. In just the past 24-hours, she’s asked about words like: malevolent, grovel and protégée. Talk about expanding one’s mind!

I think at this point, I’m getting a better sense of the type of books and stories Chica and Chicklet each enjoy the most, and I’m beginning to wade through Little Man’s literature tastes, as well.

It’s an ongoing challenge to keep them engaged with their reading, but I am SO up to the task!

But to circle back to the point of this post…let’s review Chica’s later bedtime through her own opinion. 

I’ve asked her many times over the past month or two if she feels the later bedtime has helped her fall asleep faster and she reports that it’s unequivocally helped with falling asleep.

Amazing how just 20 extra minutes shaves off those hours of laying in bed awake (*wink, wink*). But who am I to point out this curious mathematical discrepancy when the later bedtime is working—both for her perceived swiftness in winding down, and her literary interest.

I mean, talk about a win/win!

It’s so tough navigating the ever-changing needs and desires of kiddos who are aging. And striking the right balance of freedom and structure.

But I’m so thrilled to report this is one milestone we’ve managed to wade through (at least in its early stages!) with nothing but positive results.

I’ll take the WIN for now!

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Kiddos are off school tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll manage another catch-up post. I feel like I’m behind lately!

Over and out. 

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