Tuesday, February 21, 2023

24 Day Record


We made it 24 days fever-free!!! A new record for this heinous season of ours. Hard to be overly upset when we managed three healthy-ish weeks (insert ALL the sarcasm here). I mean, we even beat or prior record by more than 10 days! (Again…marinating in alllllll the possible sarcasm.)

Definitely concerned about allll the germs we might have spread yesterday, considering we spent the whole dang day on multiple play dates with oodles of kiddos.

At least it was a glorious day off from school while it lasted.

Strep test was negative. Awaiting viral panel results in the morning. In the meantime, hoping my boy can make it through the night without more vomiting. :(

More maƱana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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