Monday, January 16, 2023

Galveston 2023—Day 2

Helloooo, peeps, from back home in San Antonio!

As a recap…it was a fun weekend away, spur-of-the-moment, meeting the grandparents while they were enjoying an extended stay in their RV in Galveston. 

Such an escapist treat to get out of town on a three-day January weekend, and probably something we’ll never have the luck to coordinate again, schedule-wise, ha.

The weather was fairly cold, and a mix of sunny and cloudy, but it was nice to explore a neck of the woods we’ve actually never been to, before.

And also pretty nice to be able to keep it low key, without any preconceived notions of things we wanted to see/do beyond small bits of entertainment.

The location of our rented condo was great, with this beach in view and walking distance…

Heads up for the RATTLESNAKES that live in the dunes, though. Ha.

And the kiddos had a blast sleeping all cozy-like with the grandparents in the RV one night—and Little Man even did a bonus night because he liked his little hidey hole bed, tehe.

Love this beautiful pic in the morning:

And then, some putt-putt fun, when the sun was out and the weather was nice.

And it culminated in a HISTORIC win by Yours, Truly. First time, in 24 years, I’ve EVER beat the hubby at putt-putt, ha.

Here he is, studying the scorecard in disbelief…

I won by ONE point. :) I was on fire! Ha.

Still conducting his own recount…

The math isn’t going to change the score, dear husband. ;)

I’ll carry the victory with me, always. Along with gloating/bragging rights.

Next up…lunch in a new location (I think the original downtown):

Followed by a jam-packed, giant, candy and sweets shop…

And then a divide-and-conquer approach, to get everyone what they wanted.

Chicklet and Little Man voted for some quiet, cozy time in the RV, while Chica wanted to head back to the beach to continue her sand art from the day before.

And shell hunting!

Look at her awesomsauce turtle!

Turns out, the hubby was an excellent shell hunting helper. :)

So many unique finds. Can wait to wash them all up properly, now that we’re home.

Chica finished up with an awesomesauce seahorse, too, before we had to head out and on to the next planned bit of fun.

Another gorgeously-lit shot... :)

After the beach and quiet time, we headed out for some rowdy pickle ball at the RV park. Lots of moving around and tiring everyone out. :)

And then it was a brief bit of indoor, heated, nighttime swimming for the kiddos before burgers back at the RV.

In the end, though it would have been so easy to just pass on this opportunity to meet up while the grandparents were camped out in Galveston, I’m so glad it all worked out and provided some happy memories—in the dreary month of January, no less!

So, yay, to a little adventure to kick off the year and give us a little oomph to make it through to February, a much happier month by all accounts, ha.

Happy Monday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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