Saturday, January 14, 2023

Galveston 2023–Day 1

Helloooooo, peeps, and greetings, from…Galveston!

Now. Why the heck are we in Galveston during a random weekend in January, you might ask???


It was super last minute drive down to the coast to meet up with the hubby’s parents, who are in Galveston with their RV for an extended trip.

We’ve never managed to meet up with them in the handful of years they’ve enjoyed their RV adventures, and this was the closest they’d come to San Antonio, at a time when we could make the journey over a three-day-weekend. 

We rented a fun little condo near the RV park for the short stay, with plans for the kiddos to stay in the RV with the grandparents one night. And, luckily, since we threw this all together sooooo last minute (like, three days before our departure), the lodging worked out.

The kiddos particularly love the condo, where the kitchen and living room is upstairs and the bedrooms are downstairs—complete with a bunk-bed room situation, to boot. :)

If only the weather was warmer!

Today was actually a gorgeous day, with mostly clear skies, but there was still a bite to the air—as one might expect for January, ha.

But if you stick to the sun, you can give yourself a solar power boost. ;)

We really enjoyed the vibe of this location for brunch, with a fun outdoor gaming area that was smack dab in the sunlight. 

I adore all these action shots…

My little bookworm. :)

Coffee???? Yes, PLEASE.

Especially since we’re still dealing with Little Man’s nebulizer breathing treatments, which have the unfortunate side effect of wiring him up and making him too jittery for his bedtime. :(

Last night, we arrived just before dinner, but by the time we tackled his treatment and tried to get everyone to wind down, it was an epic fail.

My poor boy was fighting the medicine in his system and literally a nonstop fidget monster, until I finally crawled into the top buck and held him in an aggressive snuggle hold to get him to pass out. I kid you not, it only took two minutes holding him like that before his battery shut down, but by then, it was past eleven o’clock.


So…yeah. COFFEE.

We tooled around most of the day before venturing to the beach just outside this condo in the later afternoon.

As expected, it was cold and windy, with the sand a bit too compact for the kiddos’ imagined sand castles, ha. But we scouted for some fantastic shells I can’t wait to wash up and examine.

And I’m actually really proud of my boy for knowing his limit and voicing his request to come inside for a hot shower after just a short while on the beach.

His body still needs the ongoing recovery—no matter what his little boy energy outwardly shows, sometimes.

So heeeeeere’s to better rest and more exploration mañana, before our Monday morning departure!

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

P.S. RV shenanigans…

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