Thursday, July 24, 2014

Summer Snow...Cone!

Today, we marked another "first" off Chica's list. First snow cone!

It was the perfect day for it because: a) it was hot as blazes, and b) Mama is sick and the ice felt heavenly on her throat. Win/win.

We went down the road to this cute place that's set up as a pirate ship. And if I were smart--though I never claimed to be--I would've gotten some flavor that was white. But, noooo--I went for red, red watermelon. And Chica went for the spoon. Lose/lose.



Examine on legs/shorts/bench.

Eventually, we went with a Mama-spoons-it-up method, with a few rogue licks every now and then.

Poor little Chicklet. She wanted some, too. Probably could've given her a taste. But I refrained. Gotta at least try to keep some rules.


Happy Thursday, peeps!

(Also known as Nanna's birthday!)

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