Wednesday, January 13, 2016

I Heart Play Dates & Valentine Trees we headed into the New Year, I took a few brain cells (the very few I have left, ha) to think through new challenges and opportunities for the girlies.

You know, things like working on writing (Chica), learning letters (Chicklet), and attempting more baking projects (more on that in later posts).

But there was one slightly more involved goal that I created for us, and that was (drum roll, puh-lease!) setting up play dates. Woohoo!

Sounds simple, yes?? But not so much!

I mean, the girlies have participated in neighborhood kids' events, impromptu group backyard play, and church socialization settings, and do great with all of it. But since my girlfriends with kids either don't live nearby (or in the state!) and most neighbor kids go to school or daycare and aren't available, I don't really have a built-in network for this sort of thing.

So, I had to (wo)man up and create one.

Since Chica began dance lessons last Fall, I've really enjoyed a handful of the mothers I visit with during class. So I put myself out there last week and kick-started the logistics for a play group that I would host.

Full disclosure--it was a toughie one for me. Quite a vulnerable situation to approach a bunch of peeps you've only spent a few hours with and basically say: will you be my friend??? But I'm nothing, If not determined when it comes to the enrichment of my kiddos lives, so I just did it. And...

today we had our first play date after class and it was great!

Just three little friends today, as some of the others had to clear some scheduling burdens to be available, and will do so next time. But it was so lovey and perfectly chaotic in that way all preschool settings are.

I have absolutely no pictures, as my hands were full and I wouldn't want to weird out the other mothers by snapping away, ha. But my girlies had so much fun, they both were majorly bummed to see everyone go.

So it was totally worth the vulnerability and effort, and we're going to make it a monthly thing. Yay! So more on that in the coming months :)

Now, onto another lovely update: the transitioning of decorations from Christmas to Valentine's! These pics don't really need any explanation. We just had fun yesterday decking out the tree :)

Look at this cutie pie with the ornament on his belly, hehe.

It is INSANE to think that when we did this last year, Chicklet wasn't even walking yet!!! Sometimes I forget just how young my babies are, since it seems like they've all (even Little Man) been with me forever and always.

And here's our mantle fun. I put it up while they were napping and Chica was so freaking adorably complimentary when she woke, ha.

And here's a random shot of so much cuteness I can't even stand it:

And here's one of the fun, felt roses we made today:

And finally, here's my beautiful boy snoozing today. He took just a short finishing nap on me after a champion nap in his crib. He was tired! Might I suggest he sleep more soundly at night? ;) look at how he's holding my chest, though. I die.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

(Why does it feel like tomorrow should be Friday???)

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