Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Our Learning Tent

So...a couple of tidbits to shed some background light on today's fun purchase as I jump right into the post today:

First--at the start of the year, I had a few goals for my trio of (beloved) rascals that included socialization, projects and baking. And as we stare down the (long, unbearably hot) horizon and see summer fast approaching, it's nice to check in with those goals and feel great with where we're at.

But...I feel like our learning could ratchet up a notch. And by learning, I mean ABCs123s/colors for Chicklet, and reading/writing/math for Chica.

Now, second--in light of the let's-focus-a-bit-more-on-straight-education goal, I recently bought Chica a Leap Pad, with the intent that she use it during her quiet time on days she chooses not to nap.

But my lover-of-routine eldest has expressed her desire not to play with it during that quiet time, because she just wants to "rest." Ha. And as guilty as I feel for making her stay in there for a great length of time while the household is in full-on siesta mode, if she's been given the option of an entertainment device and chooses to decline it, I have to assume she's just fine, thankyouverymuch. 

(I mean, seriously--last week, knowing it was a no-nap kind of day, I went to her after thirty minutes of her quiet time and offered the Leap Pad up, yet again, since I hadn't in a week or two. And she asked me to put it away and close her door on the way out because she was "resting." Ha. Message received.)

So...enter our Learning Tent:

My idea of a fun space that the girlies can associate with learning--with the goal of 20-30 minutes of daily Leap Pad/iPad activity. Preferably when brother is napping in the morning.

I cleared Elsa out of the corner of the playroom before I began assembly, but Chicklet carted her right back, hehe.

And then somewhere between Chica helping to open the box and 15 minutes of assembly...

...this was born!

I went with this super-affordable tent from Target, as I didn't want to fork over a chunk 'o change if it was a bust or having it take up playroom space drove me crazy. 

And this one is great quality and has this fun projection light inside that would be awesome in the dark.

(Hi, Little Man!)

(He was practicing his downward dog.)

Chica was beyond excited to grab her Leap Pad and get the party started.

And I grabbed my iPad for Chicklet.

I need to devote some time to uploading some new learning games to my device, but I have hopes that this will be a new and relatively easy addition to our routine.

And something they'll enjoy without realizing they're being schooled ;)

So yay for the Learning Tent!

And wish us happy brain vibes in it!


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