Sunday, August 21, 2016

Back To School Vibes

Well, peeps. I've been sort of MIA this weekend, because we've been busy being nice and low-key (praise the heavens!).

We had our last day of blissful rain on Saturday, and I gotta say, it was suuuuuch a treat.

And speaking of treats...

There was just something in the air around here tonight. A vibe of expectation, perhaps. A little happiness, a little bitter-sweetness. You know, that general sense of one chapter ending and another beginning, with the start of school tomorrow. And for the first time, I feel like our gang was sort of on that vibe bandwagon.

So we took the kiddos out for some sweet treats before bath time and enjoyed some delicious cake pops and cookies in the late-summer, setting sun.

Now, for a few other fun factoids before I rind down.

#1: Little Man has been under the weather and I thought it was teething, 'cause he had a fever, but nothin' else.


As soon as the fever finally broke (after three days of low-grade, poor guy), the rash came. It's that pesky little Fifth's Disease (I think that's the name, though I always confuse it with Hand, Foot, Mouth). All of my kids have now had it, so at least we're three for three. Nothing to be done but let it run its course, so here's hoping my little guy is feeling tip-top soon. At least we know he's feeling better than he was a few days ago.

#2: I had the luxury of a massage today (that I was originally supposed to have Mother's Day Weekend, ha), and I'd love to tell you it was the best ever, but that would be a lie. 'Cause I slept through some of it--aaaand woke myself by snoring. Niiiice.

This picture has nothing to do with that, it's just my beautiful girlies at the grocery store today. 

Sometimes they're sisterly sweet. You know, when they're not beating the crap out of one another ;)

Nighty, night.

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