Sunday, December 11, 2016

A Magical (Miraculous!) Holiday Adventure

So...Saturday was our big day to finally go get our live Christmas tree.

I'd been plotting and scheming and looking forward to this family fun day for ages (well, pretty much since last year's amazing outing). So, despite the cold (hey, it just added some holiday vibes!), we bundled everybody up, and set off for the 30-minute drive North.

They looked stinking adorable, were in great spirits (thanks, Moana soundtrack), and were happily gobbling up the rural sights out the window instead of an electronic device (woohoo!).

Then we arrived at our wonderful destination, and...

That's right, that sign right there says, "Sold out. CLOSED."

I mean, I died. DIED, I tell ya.

I went through ALL the stages of grief in a manner of seconds, and then sank into a disbelieving pit of sadness so deep, I was wallowing faaaaaar below my happy holiday surface.

I mean, I'm relatively new to the whole live Christmas tree game, but I had no idea the sold out thing happened--and this early! But with our post-Thanksgiving sickness, and last weekend's horrific weather, this was our first chance, and, apparently, we were too late.


Oh, and as if that weren't depressing enough, there was a for sale sign on the property, as well. How can you sell a family-owned Christmas tree farm???

So...we had no choice but to turn our sad carful around and head home. So that's what we did--taking a back road home to avoid some major traffic we'd seen on the highway nearby.

So there we were, facing the sadest holiday trip home, Mama nearly in tears and resigning herself to a depressing consolation tree trip to Lowe's, with both the hubby and Chica trying to give me pep talks, when...

Lo and behold, we passed this property that appeared to have Christmas trees for sale, and a bounce house in view. So, hey, why not? We stopped.

As we pulled up to the ticket booth at the start of the long drive, we quickly learned the property (hello, Top Fun, as it's called) not only had trees and that bounce house, but it also had tons of decorations, a man-made lake, a Santa's village house for ornament making, face painting, and Santa letter writing, and--wait for it--a guided safari. A SAFARI, peeps.

I about died. And sort of thought they were kidding or there were fake animals, but, no. Real, live, amazing animals, and we were going to see 'em.

I about collapsed with relief and joy. Our day was not only saved, but God had literally orchestrated this unbelievable chain of events to give us what turned out to be the most amazing family outing I never could have planned.

Serious, divine inspiration, I tell ya.

I could go on and on and ON about our amazing time on this family-owned property where their "real job" is manufacturing some sort of stone (I hope I got that right), but they have so many fun add-ons and diversions on site that they often host corporate retreats and open to the public at special times of year like this.

Since it was crazy cold, we were the only ones there when we arrived, and literally spent two hours with the most personalized, friendly, kind, and enthusiastic attention from the owners (and their kids and grandparents and friends) themselves.

I'm telling you, it was an AMAZING Christmas miracle, and I was so moved by the serendipitous experience of it, that I was crying--like, literally--tears of joy as we pulled away and finally headed home for nap time.

These are the golden family years, my peeps, and I could not be more grateful for making these memories with my crazy gang I love so much.

Okay, now, get ready for a gazillion pics!

More tomorrow about Santa's visit to our neighborhood today! (You know it's been an amazing weekend when that wasn't even the lead story, ha).

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