Saturday, May 27, 2017

San Antonio 2017--Day 2 (Sea World)

Okay, so...I'm gonna be realsies here for a minute before some time has passed and I remember everything through rose colored, retrospective vacation glasses and say that today was tough. Like, really, really tough. 

We began our much-anticipated trip to Sea World well-rested and as emotionally stable as possible.


I'm 120% convinced these theme parks are akin to The Hunger Games for parents the world over. Meaning: brutal, punishing, unpredictable...and not everybody's gonna come out alive.

I mean...did I mention the brutality?

I've spent the last couple of evenings theorizing with the hubby about why this vacation has felt so, dang tough compared to others in recent years.

And the truth is, this is only our second trip with all three kiddos, and for the first (last year to Seaside, FL), Little Man wasn't even walking and we didn't have these planned outings.

That said, I totally remember feeling exhausted on the travel day to get there, and for sure remember Chicklet's explosive poo in a malfunctioning diaper that "christened" our rental house upon arrival and nearly brought me to tears. But after that, it was mostly beach time, with one local aquarium visit thrown in on a rainy day so I suppose the kiddos weren't quite so vocal in their crankiness. sum it up, I don't really have answers to why things are so tough. I just know that we are full-on in the hardest year(s) of traveling with our herd, and I'm brave enough to admit it.

That said, we powered through and made some awesome memories that I know will stick with me long after the aching legs and echoes of crankiness. So I'm beyond grateful for that. :)

Note: the biggest hits of the day were:
1) a special behind-the-scenes beluga whale tour
2) seeing the snakes (that were all Chicklet cared about today, go figure)
3) the girlies on their first roller coaster

Wish us luck tomorrow with our lower-key swimming day!


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