Saturday, December 23, 2017

Highs and Lows and Ho Ho Ho


It’s been no secret that this season has been rough on our casa, health wise.

I mean, I’ve made buds with far too many of our pediatrician office’s staff. (Not that I don’t love ‘em, I just don’t want to see them weekly.)

Though I’m certainly cognizant of the fact that ourillnesses are fleeting and not chronic (and for that, I’m so grateful), the constant rotation of germs and doctor’s visits and medicine and altered moods and behavior certainly takes its toll. 

And one of the tolls we’ve paid this year is missed opportunities.

We missed visiting Santa in person (two sick weekends and a third where it logistically didn’t work).

We missed the holiday dance recital (this was a really tough one to accept without forcing the issue, though it was the right call for the family in the end).

And sadly, Chica missed her dance class holiday party just two days ago, due to Chicklet’s tank in health (more on that later).

I’ve found that one of the hardest parts of all the illness in the fam is the fact that no kiddo is at the same level of sickness as the next.

It would be so much easier if they were all well or all down and out. But, nope. It’s always a gradient degree of how-are-you-feeling and since there’s only one of me, it means that sometimes kiddos that are willing and able have to miss things on account of their down and out siblings. Oye.


We’ve still enjoyed a beauuuuutiful holiday season, and if anything, we’ve learned to appreciate the short spells in between coughs and yucks, and learned to use them to their full advantage.

And we’ve still had some lovely activities in the past week to close out classes and school, and those are the kind of joyful things that really make you feel the collective love of the season.

Last week, Chicklet made it to her dance class pj party.

They got to eat lots of goodies and sweets and play and dance a bit, and wrap up with watching a portion of The Nutcracker.

They were all so dang adorable in the holiday pjs. :)

I’m not gonna lie—that bit of activity was about all Chicklet could handle. She was wiped by the time we made it home.

So the update on her front: at the doctor’s office yesterday, we confirmed she has another ear infection and, sadly, has probably been weathering the flu for the past eight days.

Since it’s too far into things for us to deploy tamaflu, or something of the like, the doctor didn’t even recommend an official test for it. And we’re hoping it’s about through her wee little body. Though cases like this, where the child had a flu shot and still contracted a virus tend to linger a bit longer that usual (but with weakened symptoms). Or so the doc says.

So my poor girl is tired. Oh so tired. And just trying to regain some of her stamina.

But she’ll get there. :)

Another highlight of the party circuit was Chica’s holiday bash at school.

It was yesterday afternoon, and the hubby made it home just in the nick of time to watch the younger two so I could race off and participate in the fun.

Talk about a gaggle of excited little kindergartners.

Rosy cheeks, wild dispositions, and just lots o’ cheer. 

It’s been such a weird mix of a slow-going and tough December (because of the ick) and a wildly fast-flying December (because of, well, everything that comes with December, ha).

 But I’m so blessed by my family—germs and all—and the joyful celebrating we’ve enjoyed this month. And I’m soooooo looking forward to the next few days.


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