Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Crappiest of All Crappy Weekends

Okay peeps.

I’m gonna get really real on this here blog tonight and say that the reason you haven’t heard from me in days and days is because we’ve been living the crappiest of all crappy (extended) weekends.

And since I’m generally a happy and positive person (I mean, admittedly obnoxiously so, at times) I think you’ll believe me when I tell you it just suuuuuuuucked.

(And I don’t even like to use that word, but it’s better than lots o’ four-letter words that I’d like to use instead.

The crappiest part of this crappiest of all crappy weekends is that I don’t even have the energy to type up all the yucky details right now. Because I’m oh so beaten down.

So instead, I’ll just leave you with the highlights of a work-related road trip that was heinous, vomiting that ensued, and FOUR OFFICIAL CASES OF STREP THROAT that pretty much put our family in a state of puny, pathetic sick-ick horrendous-ness that we’re just starting to kinda sorta but not really emerge from.

I mean...seriously.

I used to think strep throat was no biggie. Like an ear infection. Something annoying and painful but also something you could power through.

But, oooohhhhhh noooooo. I was wrong. Wrong I tell ya. This has been just downright nasty. And I say that as one of The Strep’s fallen victims.

For anyone keeping tabs:

Chica has strep (she was patient zero).
Chicklet has strep.
Mama has strep.
Little Man has strep. 

And it happened in that order.

Of course, I’m wildly relieved to say that Daddy did not have strep when he went to the doctor yesterday afternoon, but the blessed sainted doc gave him antibiotics anyway, because the odds are so not in his favor.

Someday, I really hope to have the energy again to type up all the details of this weekend gone wrong, because it’s comical in its horror, and really should be written down for posterity’s sake.

But in the meantime, I’ll give you some sad pics:

This is Chica grinning and bearing it at the urgent care office. Honestly, it was the first smile I’d seen in 24 hours, and I think it was because she was just so relieved to be there, getting meds.

She’d survived a day of vomiting and we thought the worst might have passed—until she started sobbing in the car, saying, “I just can’t take it anymore,” because she had such severe pain in her throat. And straight to the clinic we went.

Step positive.

And heeere’s the bag of meds we needed, just to survive the drive home. Homeopathic nausea medicine, prescription antibiotics, Sudafed, Afrin, Children’s Advil, Children’s Mucinex, probiotic gummies, and, well, that might be it, ha.

And here’s Chica, as sick as she was (but at least not vomiting anymore), feeding her sissy pancakes because Chicklet was deteriorating fast and couldn’t even life the fork. 

And here’s all my sick babies in Mama and Daddy’s bed—just a big pile o’ puny yesterday:

And, lastly, here’s Chicklet, passed out against my side yesterday at dinner time, when she just didn’t have any stamina left:

Yuuuuuuuucky few days, peeps.

And I say that as a Mama who has definitely been through the sick-ick cycles over the past few years.

But tomorrow is a new day. With more antibiotics in our systems.

And come Thursday, we will have soooooo much to be thankful for when we feel slightly healthier.

More (uplifting) posting soon, peeps.

Over and out.

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