Sunday, December 9, 2018

My Drawing Darling’s a beautifully sunny and crisp day, after a few long, gloomy, doomy, and rainy ones. And my babies are starting to perk up more and more, with the help of their medication. Thank heavens!

Which meant I could run away for a couple of holiday elf errands I needed to take care off—and a muuuuuch-needed pedicure during nap time.

(Contended sigh.)

But before I dive into my book for a little mental break, I wanted to post a few tiny tidbits about life these days. Things that will totally fall by the wayside if I don’t share them now, amidst our nutty and crazy holiday weeks!

These are all little things, so hopefully I can share them rapid-fire.

So, heeeeere we go!

First post is about my Chicklet and her newfound love of drawing. :)

I sooooo remember Chica entering this stage (though hers skewed a bit more toward coloring instead of freestyle drawing, at first) and it tickled me endlessly.

I think Chicklet’s particular interest of late has been bolstered by a few, key things:
  1. Greater pen/crayon/marker control, right along with her blossoming writing ability.
  2. A more devoted attention span towards solo creative time (though, hello, she’s always had the ability to focus on building a “creation” when she’s inspired).
  3. And lastly, a greater emphasis on solo drawing and crafting time in a school environment (thank you, preschool!).
Lately, it’s more common than not for me to find her at the playroom or kitchen table scribbling away. But she also has a new, favorite, solitary space—courtesy of a great deal we got on some new, grown-up furniture pieces for Chica that we’d been eyeing for more than a year (thank you—or not, ha—Cyber Monday!).

Say, hello, to this petite and perfect little desk! Something tells me I’ll be buying one for Chicklet, too, in the near future. :)

It’s hard to tell in the light of these pics, but the dresser and nightstand are a parchment color, and we added a bit of fun with the coordinating desk in a blush color.

And the chair was a totally fun and random Homegoods find that Chica came across months ago and begged for (hello, purple!). But it had no purpose in our casa at the time, so we passed. And then, lo and behold, the day we ordered the new furniture, Hoomegoods happened to have another one in stock. Crazy, yes? It’s such a perfect, petitie, child size.

I’ve loved finding both girlies in here this past week. So adorable and sweet.

Chicklet also busted out this convenient clipboard/folder we’ve had for awhile. It’s stocked with colors and extra paper, so she’s been hauling it everywhere.

See—it’s even been her restaurant companion. ;)

And here she is at our playroom table (totally clean playroom in the background—not) a couple weeks ago, teaching me how to draw a turkey using my hand outline, hehe. 

I just love this cutie and her blossoming brain. It’s fabulous. She’s fabulous. And pedicures are fabulous. ;)

Over and out.

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