Thursday, February 7, 2019

Valentine Heart Trees! this afternoon, the kiddos were totally cray-cray (that’s putting it mildly), and since I spent a chunk of the morning cleaning for a midday house showing, and we have another tomorrow morning (a blessing and a curse, I tell ya), I needed to channel their energy into something constructive rather than destructive, ha.

Enter: valentine heart trees!

I just so happened to see something online about these two days ago, and then yesterday afternoon, we found ourselves at Michaels for a handful of odds and ends, so it was perfect timing to gather up the supplies to have them on hand.

And, boy, am I glad I did! Their insanity needed a little direction, ha.

We started with the foam cones (incidentally, they’re loverly for headwear)...

And busted out the heart-shaped die cutter (I’m sure that’s not the technical term, but roll with me)...

Naturally, that was the best part.

It was super fun to punch out all the hearts on any construction paper I happened to have on hand.

Now, although they were relatively patient taking turns to use it (three hearts, then pass it along), the project was only moderately successful because I sprung for just the one. If every kiddo had one at all times, they would have gone bonkers (in a good way), without attention spans drifting.

Still. We got about thirty hearts punched per kiddo before the younger two started to wander. Which was okay, because the next step (hello, hot glue gun), was a little iffy, as well.

Luckily, by the time the glue gun entered the picture, Chicklet and Little Man were happily alternating between coloring and building a living room fort.

But Chica was bursting with excitement over the project, so her enthusiasm more than made up for what the other two were a little young to accomplish.

And, hey, we do projects all the time during school hours, so it was nice for her to have something geared a little more towards her.

She was seriously so cute and proud. And we managed to finish a second one, as well, before we had to pack it up to start cooking dinner. 

As you can see, the cray-cray of the afternoon still remained, ha. But had toned down by about 15% ;)

And speaking of Little Man was so great today, despite (or maybe because of) a little more electronic time than I typically prefer.

It’s just so hard to juggle the cleaning and staging time necessary for each showing (have I mentioned how over them I am at this point???), and the added difficulty of vacating the home, when necessary (today, it ruined his nap/quiet time). He was a real trooper, though. And I’m trying to be!

Oh well, this, too shall pass.

And he was also a sweet boy at lunch, sharing some love during our aunt time.

And he had me in stitches afterward, when he was trying to convince me he was turning five years old. ;)

Love this boy like mad.

And I also love my Chicklet like mad—even though she’s turning me into an insomniac!

She finally settled for the night around midnight or so, and I wasn’t planning on sending her to school, but she woke up happy and full of spunk, so off she went.

And it’s a good thing, too, because one of her little classroom friends had a birthday, and there were cupcakes. That turned her tongue blue (her favorite color), and had a ring on top of the icing. I mean, what could be better than that, I ask you???

A good night’s sleep, perhaps?


Wishful thinking.

Happy Almost Friday, peeps (also known as the day Daddy returns home and shares some nighttime duty, ha).

Over and out.

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