Friday, October 11, 2019

Colorado Springs 2019–Day 3

Okay, seriously, peeps.

We have so lucked out with the greatest little three-day, Colorado Springs jaunt ever.

We’ll probably never come back because we’ve so thoroughly lucked out with the coolest weather shifts of all time, and therefore, the coolest activities of all time. 

Today’s greatness included Seven Falls (a series of seven sections of this one, large waterfall that sits within some private land), and...the most epic visit to the most majestic and unique zoo ever. The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo!

I mean, we’re zoo people. We’ve been to a lot of ‘em—and a few of them, a lot of times—and this might have been my favorite zoo outing ever. It actually hurts me to think there was a chance we might have skipped it, because it was just the best.

Okay...nuff said.

Explosion of pics, now.

Seven Falls:

Deer family sighting on the road to lunch, before the zoo. :)

And now...Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

I seriously can’t say enough cool things about this zoo. 

First off, it’s literally right up in the mountains—and over 6,000 feet above sea level, no less. I mean, the views everywhere you look are just epic, and the animal enclosures are, as well.

I actually told the hubby not once, but twice, that if I were an animal, I’d so want to live there. And it seemed as if the animals agreed, because they were so up close and personal, not at all hiding from us during our visit. Just happily living life in the gorgeous, cold weather, and giving us a fantastically great visit. Oh, and the staff within the zoo were all so friendly! Just good vibes all around. Except for the Sky Ride...but more on that in a second.

Okay, so now...The Sky Ride.

This was definitely a case of just jumping in with both feet without actually thinking about what I was getting myself in to. 

A chair life up to Mountaineer Summit with spectacular—and spectacularly terrifying—heights that had me both death-gripping my babies and the metal handle bar and clenching every muscle so hard that I thought I might pass out.

Yeah...I’m so not a fan of heights. 

The hubby rode with Little Man in one lift, and the girlies and I in the other, for an agonizing roughly ten-minute ascent.

And then I thought seriously about just staying up there forever so I didn’t have to ride back down. I even asked if there was an alternate route back down and a very sympathetic employee offered to call for a backup vehicle ride back down, but...I womaned up and did it. Oye. 

Luckily, the views up there were incredible and there was a great little play area that delighted the kiddos a so I got about a 15 minute reprieve before the return trip down.

Next up...the actual animals! So many up close and personal. :)

They have 16 giraffes at this zoo!

The largest heard in North America, and man, is it cool to see so many in one place.

The only male was outside for the time being, and more than a dozen of the ladies—including a three-month-old baby, who was in a section with her mother and grandmother!—were inside warming up beneath heaters and enjoying some food. It was so incredible to have five giraffe heads crowd down by the kiddos little hands, to try and get a snack (of lettuce, not my kiddos’ hands, hehe).

This one might be one of my favorite shots. I call it Side Eye With Goat. And I swear, that goat is smiling!

Chicklet was seriously in heaven with these goats, and the zoo employee who let us in and gave us the brushes was just so kind. I even have the most adorable video of Chicklet hugging one of the goats, hehe. Pure love.

After souvenirs and some food on the way home, we capped off the day with a s'mores by the fire at the resort. :) grateful for just a fantastic family day, and for this whole, dang trip that has worked out so well.

Flying home tomorrow with half of the weekend still left, and the kiddos home from school on Monday. Planning some major pajama and project time and couldn’t be happier.

More from the flight side, peeps.

Over and out. 

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