Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Dallas Summer 2022 Fun—Great Wolf Lodge

Okay, peeps.

We did it!

Despite our slew of germs and resulting wonky schedules, we managed this little couple-day jaunt to Dallas, as planned. Woohoo!!

For some time, I’ve been wanting to make the trek up there, as we really haven’t spent much time in Dallas at all, since our move. At best, we zoom through on our way to Tulsa, and there are so many places from our time living there that we miss.

So…Dallas for a couple of quick days. Just the kiddos and I—plus Nanna, who drove down to meet us for the fun!

We generally just have some eating and shopping and SWIMMING planned, and that’s pretty much all we need to be happy. Today was a splurge for a half-day pass at Great Wolf Lodge, and it was fantastic :)

I’m not gonna lie…when we first arrived, I worried I’d made a calculated error and that my kiddos had aged a bit up and out of this environment. But…NOPE. We found our sweet spot—this time, outdoors—and had an absolute blast.

We spent so much time on the giant slides and on this lily pad obstacle course (that I believe is technically a leaf obstacle course, ha). And the weather was beautiful and the water was warm, and I had some very happy kiddos. :)

Chica won the award for best obstacle course tackling whilst wearing a cast, tehe.

And Little Man won the award for best color coordination, ha.

We capped off our night at one of our very favorite Mexican restaurants ever, ever. And it was just as delicious as I remember. Thank heavens!

Looking forward to more nostalgic fun—and shopping!—mañana. 

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

Over and out. 

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