Monday, May 15, 2023

A Roller Riot

Okay, peeps.

When was the last time you went roller skating???

I’m guessing that question might have you counting back quite a few years, ha.

If you were a teen in the nineties, like me, it’s likely you spent some (read: a lotta) time on rollerblades, so that would be my own personal answer. Rollerblading, circa the late nineties.

I have so many fond—and fast—memories of rollerblading around our neighborhood with older bro. In fact, I can remember blading so often we knew the bumpiest patches of asphalt, the potholes to avoid, and allllllll the best places to gain speed or coast with the wind in our hair.

It’s a wonder we didn’t end up with loads of broken bones, but it was a fun and active diversion in my teenage years, for sure.

Fast forward to present day and rollerblades aren’t quite as prevalent. Furthermore, roller skating seems like a throwback novelty—likely for a birthday party, which is what lured our own family out for the kiddos’ inaugural skate!

With a few past rounds of family ice skating under our belts, we knew how labor intensive this endeavor would be, so the hubby and I were ready to lace up to help our wobbly kiddos.

And, boy, were they wobbly!

Roller skating is just not an easy task to master.

And a very hard activity to teach

So we just did our best to assist the kiddos along the wall, or with the support of these hysterical rolling pipe thingies (technical term). And, together, we muddled through. 

By the end of our excursion, Chica was fairly stable. And Chicklet and Little Man were at least mostly upright, ha.

Not gonna lie, though: I had a little whoopsie daisies that left me with some bumps and bruises. 

At the tail end of the allotted party time, Chica and I were cruising along fairly well. But she lost her balance at one point, and despite my best attempt to keep us both upright, we toppled instead.

It all seemed to happen in slow motion, so I had the wherewithal to decide if my tailbone or my arm was going to take the brunt of things. Having suffered through a bruised tailbone in the past, I let the arm be the sacrificial lamb.

It knocked the wind out of me, if I’m honest! But I was trying so hard to make it seem all fine, totally, completely fine, as Chica felt so upset over the tumble. 

Fast forward an hour and the goose egg on my elbow was so large and sensitive we had to stop in at the ER for a quick x-ray to make sure there wasn’t a fracture.

Thank heavens, it was just a hefty contusion with lots of soft tissue swelling. Some ice and ibuprofen did the trick.

I still have a bump on the elbow, an ouchie on the tushy, and a bruise on one palm, but…nothing broken, and better me than any of my kiddos!


There you have it.

Roller skating felt like riding a bike, but keeping my kiddos upright did, in fact, bring me down. Ha.

But it was still a fun memory and it will be interesting to see how my crazies do the next time we find ourselves on wheels or ice. :)

It’s going to be another busy and celebratory week; the final days of school are upon us. Only 10 more to go!

So, for now: Happy Monday, and more mañana!

Over and out. 

P.S. In a hysterically coincidental turn of events, we’ve recently watched Mighty Ducks (1 and 2) as a family, and perhaps it set unrealistic expectations for how easy it is for kids to navigate on wheels or ice, ha. Certainly a goal for the future, ha. Or maybe just movie magic. ;)

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