Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Quintessential Summer Day

Okay, peeps.

It’s no secret we’ve been pretty busy these first few weeks of summer!

So busy that I’ve been a little shocked my kiddos haven’t crashed from the schedules we’ve been keeping.

Factor in Little Man’s heinous cough and it’s no wonder he finally needed an early bedtime.

Yesterday afternoon, we had a fun ice cream play date with friends and then my crew went swimming. By the time we made it home around dinnertime, my boy was telling me he was going to find an eye mask and shut his eyes. And that’s literally what he did: 

He was the cutest.

And out cold by 6:40 p.m.

When he stirred just a bit, I woke him enough to carry him up to bed…where he slept straight through for a full TWELVE hours. Amen, Halleluiah.

Needless to say, summer fun—and sun!—takes it out of a person, amiright?

Side note: look how stinking cute my babies were three years ago, today. :)

Okay…so. Back to our current day. Little Man and I were both up early (after his rock awesome night of sleep). So the hubby held down the fort while I snuck away to exercise before the girlies were up. And, look! So exciting!

Back home, I was sooooo grateful for some cloud cover for the kiddos’ mid-morning tennis lesson, because…UGH. THE HEAT.

It wasn’t hard at all for them to talk me into swimming after the tennis, so that’s exactly what we did. :) And wrapped up just in time for the hubby to come eat lunch at home with us.

Next up…MATH! Yes, math. I’m that annoying Mama who makes my kiddos do a bit during the summer, though I’d given them a break for a couple weeks.

Though maybe I shouldn’t have, because Little Man was GIDDY to be back at it! I mean, he even asked to bring his workbook upstairs with him to keep working after we were done with all I’d planned. I die.

Conversely, I discovered it was a major motivator for Chicklet to chew some bubblegum while doing her math, tehe. It kept her in high spirits, and we made it through the work without angst. Woohoo.

Lastly…this was Chica, cackling at me when I not only failed to help, but actually made her calculations worse, ha. She had to tell me to stand down, and we got a big laugh out of it. Apparently, I’m tapped out at elementary math, ha.

After the math “fun” we tackled a happy summer doodle. We chose the perfect one for destination dreaming. :)

Little Man was so happy with his that he asked to put it up on the wall. Victory!

And finally, in our happy summer day roundup: my twins/not twins actually got along today, and it was EPIC. 

It was a stinking JOY to hear them giggling and playing together. An absolute JOY. What are the chances it can happen again tomorrow??? (Lie to me.)

It was a really solid, busy (but mostly at home!) day and it felt like summer, summer, SUMMER.

Which is appropriate, since tomorrow is the equinox!

Okay. More mañana, peeps.

Over and out. 

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