Sunday, June 2, 2024

Chica’s 6th Grade Retrospective

Double post alert!!!

Okay, peeps.

I know it’s officially June (Halleluiah!)…

And we’ve officially launched summer (Halleluiah!)…

But while feelings are still fresh, and my willpower to reminisce still exists, I’d like to type up a little retrospective about each of the kiddos’ school year milestones. Because I know Future Me will want to remember all the minutiae. :)

I’m going to start with Chica for the simple fact that it’s been an Eldest Child heavy run of posting, so I’ll just close out this Marcia, Marcia, Marcia moment and then shine the light on my other beloved babies, ha.


So…last week, the hubby and I had the pleasure of attending a 6th Grade Awards Assembly, where Chica was honored for so many accomplishments, it was kind of embarrassing—and AMAZING, tehe.

This assembly recognized students for a number of things—many of which were related to fine arts or academic achievement.

We didn’t know when we received the invite what, specifically, our girl would be recognized for, and it turns out she was called out for both her orchestra and choir ensemble competition placements (whew, that’s a mouthful), along with making the Honor Roll for all A’s.

Then after all of those awards were announced, a handful of other students were recognized with Bulldog Awards. 

These were awards of academic and leadership excellence given out by the 6th grade teachers. 

Each teacher awarded one boy and one girl with the honor, and Chica’s Social Studies teacher was the one who bestowed her with this honor. :)

Honest to goodness, this finale to her school year was just the cherry on top of the sundae of so many wonderful moments of recognition my girl absolutely earned.

She worked so hard this year, acclimated so well to a rigorous workload (only the first nine weeks contained any middle school growing pains), and maintained her consistent spirit—and friend group—throughout it all.

Okay. I’m going to rewind and share a handful of my favorite moments/accomplishments, some of which, will be new things to share, and some will just be highlights of old things.

First day of school…

Her group of friends, who all arrived at middle school together…

Her relieved/overwhelmed/victorious/hot face when she made it home that first day (and, UGH, she’s grown so much since then!)…

Her first middle school Fall festival…

Her Halloween orchestra concert…

Her MAJOR, Bulldog With Pride award ceremony, in December…

Her Winter orchestra concert…

Her Winter choir concert…

And choir concert solo!

Her practice (practice, practice!) for 7th Grade Honors Symphony Auditions (spoiler alert: she made it)…

Her victorious smile she she overcame her fears and finally submitted her audition videos…

Her orchestra (and choir) competition participation…

Her Spring Pop Show choir concert (so fun!). She also received an award at this concert—and was selected for the Choir Leadership Team for 7th grade…

The award she received (based on student votes!) during her final orchestra concert…

I mean, you can see why I kind of stopped giving her little trinket gifts for all the things a few months ago, because events/awards were just popping up left and right, and it was an embarrassment of (recognition) riches!

So, to cap it all off, and toast the run of a fantastic year, I told her I’d take her on a special clothes shopping trip to celebrate, and we had the best time on Friday afternoon, visiting some new stores and finding a couple of really lovely things.

I’m fully, absolutely aware that these kinds of successful years don’t happen often. There are always highs and lows, obstacles and celebrations.

I’m also fully, absolutely aware that award recognition is not what the hubby or I care about, on behalf of any of our kiddos.

We always just hope and pray that they’ll try their best, show a kind/compassionate/respectful spirit, and find something to participate in that brings them joy.

And Chica absolutely nailed those things, this year. 

Hats off to my now 7th grade-girl (!), and I can’t WAIT to see what she accomplishes in the next school year.

* 6th grade mic drop *

Over and out.

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