Sunday, February 12, 2023

Valentine Goods—2022!

Hellooooo, peeps, from the flip side of a really busy and social weekend for our crew.

Honestly, I’m kind of glad tomorrow is Monday so we can downshift again, ha. 

But more on all that later.

For now, since my kiddos will be hauling their Valentine gear to school in the morning (and one will be celebrating with her class early, due to a teacher training session on Tuesday), it’s time to share some pics of all the goods!

I learned many years ago to buy and build and bag up early, because Valentine celebrations for elementary kiddos always involve more planning than one might think.

Especially since our school doesn’t hold official class parties on Valentine’s Day (due to Fiesta being a major deal here in SA during the Spring; so it takes precedence for an official class party in April).

So…in the absence of official parties, the little cards and treats that parents facilitate for the kiddos’ Valentine enjoyment tend to be a bit more robust.

I always try to make sure our cards are selected and our little treats are purchased by February 1st so that any random pocket of time we have to tackle assembly can be used to our advantage.

And this year, what better way to spend some of our ice day time than tackling all the Valentine fun??

First up was building the boxes…

And then letting them go crazy with their silliness for all the pics. :)

Later that ice day—or maybe the day after; I can’t quite remember, ha—we began the process of assembling our candy/goody bags.

Chica selected these fun stress balls to gift to her classmates…

Chicklet went with these fun fidget toys that can make all sorts of shapes…

And Little Man went with these fun squishy balls in all sorts of patterns and designs…

This year, for the actual Valentine cards, Little Man went with Pokémon (complete with these adorable keychain figurines), Chicklet chose bugs again for the second year, and Chica chose Harry…for the fourth year running (but different cards every time, hehe).

I love how much thought they put into selecting the particular cards for each particular friend. Totes adorbs.

I think these are my favorite Harry ones so far…

Love, love, love how adorable everything always looks when it’s fully assembled. And I tried to love it extra hard this year, as it’s likely Chica’s last year to exchange items before dreaded middle school hits.

But that’s a problem for another day (year)!

Happy Sunday, peeps!

Over and out. 

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