Tuesday, May 2, 2023

“Blooming” Teacher Appreciation Watering Cans!

Oh my heavens, peeps!

With only 19 days left, we are well and truly on the downhill slide toward the end of the school year!

In fact, when the bell rings tomorrow, and the final round of standardized testing is complete, things will swiftly become easy breezy, light and happy. And our household is soooooo ready for it.

But along with that downhill slide comes many (many, many) odds and ends responsibilities and celebrations. 

So many, in fact, that the calendar makes my eyes cross at the moment, and our days feel packed-to-the-max.

But there’s one responsibility and celebration I like to infuse with both appreciation and craftiness, and that’s…Teacher Appreciation Gifts!

I give you, our creation for this year: “Blooming” School Supply Watering Cans!

Trés adorable, yes??? I think they turned out cute as a button.

So. The idea around our teacher gifts is pretty much: show the love, but in a creative way, with a budget, because there are a looooot of teachers on our list.

In fact, our head count this year was fifteen. Yikes! But all legitimate. Because…three kiddos. And alllll that comes along with them. 

Homeroom teachers; Chica’s rotation of teachers for different subjects; student teachers; dyslexia specialists; GT teachers; P.E., art, and music teachers; plus the amazing librarians who run Chica’s tech team. 


So, needless to say, we had to keep the cost appropriate when it was multiplied times fifteen!

Anywho. Last year, we made these adorable vases, filled with supplies:

So fun. But also, tricky for the kiddos to tackle the intense glue gun part. So this year, I wanted them to be more hands-on, which meant…DIY flowers for these little watering cans (courtesy of Tar-Jay).

And lemme tell ya: my crazies were in a mood that day. It happens.

But eventually, with the help of a flower punch, lots of construction paper, and pipe cleaners, we had loads o’ these cute flowers.

Did I mention the mood??

I mean, look how happy they were all bunched together!

And even happier in a can. :)

Next up: strategic placement. I had trouble for a bit, trying to get everything to stay in place according to my grande vision. Until I located some old faux floral styrofoam (wrong technical term?) that I cut into squares and placed in each can.

And…voila! The happy pencils and colored pens were easily placed after that.

Sooooo festive and happy.

The final touch: these printouts I laminated and attached with some twine. Had to tie in the whole garden/growth theme, of course! 

With this army of cans to delivery, the kiddos were adorable weighed down for school on Monday, but they enjoyed delivering them and we’ve already received some really sweet thank you notes. :)

So…a special thanks goes to these watering cans as the MVP of this project. Without happening upon them at Tar-Jay, this project might never have taken root (tehe…continuing the gardening theme).

And, look! I’m even utilizing more of them for a little party I’m throwing for the girlies and some of their friends tomorrow (more on that hoopla mañana)!

So there you have it. Our fun Teacher Appreciation Gifts for this school year.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again (and again and again): we’ve been blessed in magnified ways with wonderful educators and it’s worth it to express our appreciation. As often and as creatively as we can!

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

Over and out.

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