Monday, January 7, 2013


This weekend, Baby Girl finally, FINALLY got a taste of something that didn't come from my breastesses.

(May I please just pause to say that I just re-read the above and realized how very unappetizing it sounded, but I'm too lazy to stop typing and actually use my cursor pad to locate the offending words and delete them, so I'm just going to keep typing until you forget what I already typed, and instead imagine that something else more ladylike and less unappetizing was written at the start of this entry).

And...moving on.

I know you're all doing the math right now (on your fingers, like I do, yes?) and saying: Hold on there one nutty second, isn't your child SIX MONTHS OLD?!

Why yes, yes she is.

So you can call me crazy or controlling or just an overcautious first-time mom--it ain't nothin' I haven't heard before. But the screams of my sweet child as she battled her milk protein allergy stuck with me. And breastfeeding exclusively for six months reduced the likelihood of any additional food allergies. So we waited. And waited.

Until the big day finally came!

We started with the obligatory, sandy-colored, watered-down, unappealing-in-any-way-shape-or-form oatmeal. And I gotta say: she wasn't too thrilled with it, and I can't really blame her.

But she was super excited to sit in her big-girl high chair (that matched her hairband, naturally):

And she tolerated the handful of spoonfuls (hehe...handful of spoonfuls, that sounded funny) I fed her, whilst maintaining this adorable, not-sure-if-she-wanted-to-go-on-a-hunger-strike face:
The second night, the oatmeal was thicker and the smiles were a little easier...especially when she realized she could gnaw on the rubber spoon for kicks:

And by the third night (tonight), she realized she could get her grabby little fingers onto the spoon and eat the oatmeal like it was a finger food. So, clearly, that upped the fun:

Stay tuned for tomorrow night when we reveal the thumbs up or thumbs down for...sweet potatoes!

Let the constipation begin!!

Again with the unappetizing and unladylike.

But this time, it's just fact.

Although I suppose the previous time it was fact, too.

And let's not pretend I haven't posted multiple stories involving poo and its explosive effects.

So take the good with the bad, peeps.

Happy Monday!

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