Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sleep Update

So I'm just gonna say it--I don't birth those babies who sleep any way, any how, any length of time. I just don't.

My babies have tricky tummies, they like to cuddle, and they're resistant to swaddling. It's just fact.

The awesome blossom part of this is that the second time around, it's not so tough (well, on most days). 'Cause no matter how bad the nap, nighttime or witching hour, I know that this, too, shall pass.

That said, the hubby and I are still doing our level best to move Chicklet along the happy-sleeping spectrum, and the first step involves adjusting her sleeping location.

Just like Chica, Chicklet came home from the hospital and slept in this Rock 'N Play thingie (that I've always called The Banana Hammock, 'cause it's yellow, and, well, I'm inappropriate like that).

And just like Chica, Chicklet spent 34 nights in it (how weird is it that I know the exact number of nights, because I wrote it down?!) before we decided it was time to transition.

But unlike Chica, who went to her crib at that time--we've kept Chicklet in our room for two reasons: 1) I just don't wanna climb a flight of stairs a gazillion times at night, and 2) I'd prefer Chicklet sleep a little more soundly before she's down the hall from her sister, who has her own nighttime issues anyway.

So we bought the Rock 'N Play Bassinet, which is great because it's compact but roomy enough--and easy to fold or move around, and not too bulky beside the bed.

Now, despite the fact that Chicklet looks all rolled-up and snugly in the pics above, I'm sorry to report that she's resisting the new sleeping arrangement.

The swaddling just isn't working for her because she freaks when she stirs mid-sleep cycle and discovers that she's bound. And she's just very, uber-restless lying flat (which makes her grunt--a lot--then cry). 

So...full disclosure: we're now fluctuating between the Banana Hammock and The Bassinet, and you know what? It just is what it is.

This, too, shall pass!

She won't be in either until she's 18-years-old, so I'm dwelling on other life challenges at the moment.

And I feel a little better every time I talk to a neighbor or friend or stranger in the grocery store who shares some deep, dark secret about their own baby challenges and the things they did to survive.

Love, don't judge, peeps.


It's my parent-to-parent motto.

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