Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Lovely Luminary

We got our first official Kiwi Crate in the mail over the holidays! Woohoo!

(Refresher: this is an awesomesauce kid craft & learning brand I initially discovered through Target that offers monthly "crate" subscriptions that deliver to your house.)

The monthly kit comes with all the goods necessary for two separate activities within a given theme, which was "Frozen Fun" for December.

I let Chica pick the project for today and she went with the Winter Luminaries because she's wildly obsessed with Rapunzel/Tangled at the moment, and there's a great scene in the movie that has oodles of beautiful lanterns. 

(Question: what's the official difference between lanterns and luminaries? Anyone? Anyone?? I'm ruling it a potato/potahto situation, unless I hear objections. And...silence. I thought so.)

It's fun when Chica can connect the project with something she's familiar with. 

And it's fun when she can dress like royalty for said project ;)

So we started by pasting tissue squares on our plastic lantern sheet. Love the colors they gave us.

Then when the majority of the plastic sheet was covered, we: a) switched hair accessories from tiara to sequined bow, and b) layered on the stickers to create a winter scene on the luminary.

At one point, I thought we were getting a little sticker heavy and tried to shut that stage down, but apparently with toddlers, there is no such thing as sticker overload.   Silly Mama.

Eventually, we left for the grocery store, switched hair accessories again
('cause why not?), and came back to a fully-dried sheet that we could tape into a cylindrical shape.


Then came the finishing touch--the battery-operated light for the inside :)

And, voila! Glowing luminary!

Still so in love with Kiwi Crate. Easy, adorable projects, and clean, consistent branding.

Looking forward to the second project in our monthly subscription!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!

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