Sunday, February 22, 2015

Church Directory Pics

A few weeks ago, we had the potentially disastrous, guaranteed-to-be-chaotic, also-probably-hilarious, joy of all joys (yes, there's some sarcasm in those words) event known as a family photo session. This time, for the church directory.

Now, don't get me wrong--I'm a picture nut. Love 'em. In any form. But these particular pics were scheduled at 5 pm on a Friday when my precocious toddler decided not to nap and pitch an ever-loving hissy fit when I made her wear something other than her Rapunzel dress. So we weren't exactly staged for success.

As it is, I totally mailed it in and put the girls in hilariously cute heart outfits in the hopes I could just stay in the random clothes I'd been wearing all day and just sort of fade into the background.

And it kind of worked :)

At least I threw on a necklace since I couldn't find any lipstick, lip gloss or even colored Chapstick, 'cause I'm not sure I own any these days.

But who the heck cares, when the focus should be on the cutie-patootie wee ones!

Turns out being sleep-deprived and a little manic/hyper helped Chica get her giggle on.

And my little Chicklet even gave a few sweet smiles when she wasn't too busy trying to figure out what that camera and flash thing was.

We only got a handful of shots as part of the package we purchased, but I'm pleasantly surprised we ended up with so many cute ones to choose from :)

Of course, I look absolutely crazy in all of them because--as my hubby claims--I was doing my I'm-grinning-really-big-to-try-and-get-my-girlies-to-even-though-they-can't-see-me smile.

I tend to do that a lot ;)

Oh well. I'm okay with looking like a loon in pictures, 'cause it just means I'm a really happy Mama.

Hope you've had a lovely weekend, peeps!

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