Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hide-'N-Seek, Chicklet Edition

Well, peeps. I'm glad I really basked in my wonderful day yesterday, because today was no bueno :(

As if it's not enough of a physical toll to be nine-thousand months pregnant, all three of us girlies have come down with some congestion/cold ick. Oye. I'm worst, Chica's pretty close in line, and Chicklet's powering through slightly better.

But I'm gonna chock today up to a necessary universe balance-out from our happy Monday, and keep a positive attitude for Hump Day tomorrow. Where there's a will (and maybe some NyQuil or some such drug) there's a way!

Meanwhile...I must acknowledge one very fantastic event from today: the capture of a bunch 'o beautiful shots of my secondborn in her playful, fully-grinning state!

Sometimes I feel like I post five shots of Chica for every one of Chicklet on this here blog, and the simple reason is that Chicklet just doesn't sit still. Ever! But today, I captured gold. And here it is...my Tuesday Chicklet Photo Bomb:

I love my beautiful little booger like crazy. And I'm so glad she's finally cut her last two teeth. They still have to come up all the way, but she's been much happier the last two days--yay.

And in other positive Chicklet news: yesterday, I hit the motherload of hand-me-down shoes when I uncovered this bucket in Chica's things.

I had NO clue she was already a size five in shoes, but now that I do, she finally has a handful of awesomesauce and nearly pristine shoes to wear. Yay!

I just love it when lovely things can come in handy again :)

Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll just look at my smiling girlies' faces for a bit of a lift.

Peace out.

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