Saturday, December 5, 2015

Christmas Tree Farm--2015

Yesterday was such a fun day.

Better yet--a fun, family day, and the first of what I hope will be a yearly tradition.

We went to a Christmas tree farm! Woohoo!

A couple months ago, I read about a place just 30 minutes north of where we live (the luck of already living pretty far north of the city ourselves). We were hoping to go the day after Thanksgiving, but the rain, rain rain foiled that.

But it worked out just how it was supposed to because yesterday was an absolutely gorgeous, crisp-not-cold, blue-skied, perfect-for-tree-hunting day.

So we packed up the trio and headed out!

It was a beautiful little drive out there, and the place looked exactly how I envisioned.

It was a great atmosphere--low key (the owners seem to live on property, and a very small-town, friendly vibe. Even the teenage employees were polite and welcoming.

After parking, we made our way to a little makeshift area to wait on one of the tractors that take you on a ride up to the front where the trees are. Of course, the girlies loved the ride (and playing in the leaves while we waited for it).

Chicklet picked up every stick she could find, ha.

I see trees!

Lots of trees!

The tractor drops you off, you get a saw (a terrifying thing to have around wee children, so I constantly had my head on a swivel!), and set off to peruse.

We checked out everything--big and small.

We wandered one way...and then the other.

Until we found The One.

And put Daddy to work.

It was a little tougher than he expected (ha), which gave the girlies time to wander a bit more while he did his manly work.

Then...timber! The tree was conquered.

But there was more manly work to be done :)

How cute is this pic?

We brought the tree to the edge of the farm area, where a crew picked it up, hauled it back to another area on property, where it was put on a shaker (to get rid of loose needles), then wrapped, and finally, tied to the roof of our car by those friendly teenagers :)

It was so fun, and there was a play area and Santa (later on that day)...lots of great activities if nap time hadn't been looming. More to look forward to next year.

Love discovering these kinds of things. 

And I loved even more the happy vibes while we were there. All shapes and sizes of families having a bit of quality time. Lots of smiles, because, of course, it's impossible not to be jolly when hunting for a Christmas tree!

More pics once we get our tree decorated.

Happy Sunday, peeps!

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