Saturday, January 2, 2016

Double The Frozen Fun

Hellooooooo, and HAPPY 2016!

I'm pretending today isn't Saturday, because then tomorrow won't be Sunday, and the day after that won't be return-to-normal-but-worse-because-it's-a-January Monday!

We've had such lovely family time during our holiday break that it's tough to see it come to a close. But I'm still going to be grateful for the time we've had--potty training and all!

So the potty update is that we've had more successes than failures in the past few days, so I think we're on the right track--especially since we had two major breakthroughs today! Our first public potty outing, and our first, ahem, poo in the loo (at home, that one).

And since we had two princess dress briberies in place--for number one and number two, hehe--that meant Chica got her second princess dress today! A new traditional Elsa dress since she outgrew her old one recently. And Daddy got to take her this round for some special togetherness time.

But...over the past few days, I've noticed Chicklet eyeing her sister's princess dress, so I asked Daddy to keep an eye out for a tiny one for her, too. And...


He made two girlies very happy today. Wait, make that three (hint: me!)

I mean, what could be cuter than my two Elsas?


So proud of Chica for her potty progress. (And please note in the picture below her Rambo-style headband and archery bow. Oh, and the arrows stuck to my living room window. "Thanks," Daddy, for helping with target practice.)

Can't wait to see if Chicklet will develop a love for princess couture, like her sister. This was right around the age it all began.

For now, at least, she seems pretty smitten. And pleased as punch to be included in the dress-up fun :)

Love my family.

P.S. Here's little guy in his just-busted-out Jumperoo! 

His goal in 2016 is to get big enough to hold his head up better, and touch his toes to the ground. I think I can, I think I can...

Happy New Year, peeps!

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