Friday, April 1, 2016

Olaf Tea & Six-Month Checkup

Little Man had his six-month checkup today, and the net/net is that he sprouted like a weed!

At 17 pounds, 9 ounces, he's still around the 50th percentile for weight.

But at nearly 28 inches, he shot to the 90th percentile in height!

That's why he's been outgrowing all his pants so fast, ha.

I can't believe he's already half-a-year old.

And I can't dwell on it. Or I'll start to blubber. And cry. And snot. And nobody wants that. 

So instead, enjoy these sweet pics of the girls sharing "tea" with their new Olaf summer lemonade set. Precious.

Side note: I luuuurv that this is inadvertently keeping them better hydrated (since we just use water). I'm so bad at getting them loads of agua throughout the day. So, spills!

Happy Weekend, peeps!

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