Monday, June 27, 2016

Chica's 4th Birthday!


My people.

Readers of this here blog.

It's my crazy-enthusiastic (if wildly emotional honor) to introduce you to the newest, cutest, sweetest, braid-loving, cheetah-like fastest, part-time princess, part-time superhero FOUR-YEAR-OLD in the world:

My beloved firstborn.

Who, four years ago today, blessed our lives ten days sooner than planned. But not a moment too early. Because every single, solitary minute since then has been the greatest ever

We've had such a great time celebrating for nearly a week now--what with the costume arrival and cousin visit and Godmother presents. And since she'll have her official (if low-key) party with her dance friends on Wednesday, I didn't really know what to do today, on her actual birthday.

But it turns out, I didn't have to worry, because Daddy totally nailed it--and then some--when he came home with...

Balloons (like, a whole balloon sculpture).

And flowers.

And jewelry.

And a cake (with a "4" candle.)

I mean, talk about a ROCKSTAR Daddy.

Chica was so sweetly excited and actually a bit shy in her reaction that it was just PRECIOUS. She saw Daddy's arm full of goods, and came running into my arms where she buried herself with the most beautifully glowing smile.

Chicklet went straight for the balloons, naturally. And who can blame her? ;) And I promise Little Man was crawling around, too, though he somehow didn't end up in any of these shots.

Next came the singing and candle--which Chica got to blow out twice because she jumped the gun the first time, hehe.

Every time she's been the recipient of the Happy Birthday song this week, she's had the same overjoyed yet shy reaction that's beyond adorable.

Then came the jewelry (that was niiiiice jewelry.) Daddy went for the good stuff.

This is a super-cute shot, but one that doesn't actually show the necklace, ha. But for the record, he bought a pale pink stone for her, because on this Friday's new Sofia episode, Sofia's magical amulet is going to change from purple to pink when she's given new amulet powers. Gasp

My baby girl felt so special, and it melted my heart.

Oh, and flowers! Can't forget the flowers ;)

I love, love LOVE my firstborn like crazy. And I'm so grateful she had an amazing day.

Oh, and I cried--like actually shed some tears--when the chaos simmered down, Chica perched on the counter by her cake, looked up at us with absolute sincerity and said, "thanks, guys."

Happy Birthday, my beautiful--inside and out--girl.

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