Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Paci Fairy

So...yes, sure, we're later than we should be in the process, but we're actively weaning Chicklet from her pacis permanently. And we're doing a better job of it than we did with Chica. (You live and you learn, the hard way.)

First off--we stopped allowing her to have it during any waking hours months ago, which is something we weren't smart enough to do with Chica. It's been bed time/nap time only for quite some time, which has helped the overall transition.

And second, we plotted a better way to permanently remove it from her person than just getting fed up one day and calling it quits (like we, sadly--and disastrously--did for Chica).

Instead, we decided to try the fun way of having The Paci Fairy appear one night to steal the pacis for baby boys and girls who need them more than Chicklet now...and then leave a present in exchange.

It happened yesterday morning, and Chicklet was glowing when she noticed the present (that I warned her would be coming).

"The Fairy" went with a great, little Paw Patrol (they're obsessed these days) steering wheel thing that was a biiiiig hit. Chicklet ran into Chica's room to immediately show it off, and all three kiddos played with it all day



Of course, when it came time for nap time, the present enthusiasm wasn't enough to keep Chicklet from begging for the paci. But she did a good job of settling down without it, and I was proud of her for that.

And then not-so-proud (like, at all), when I went to check on her a little bit later because she definitely wasn't sleeping...and found her tied to her crib.

Yep. I said tied to her crib.

She had knotted the tulle of her nightgown to one of her crib slats. And, for the love, that dang knot was so tight, I could do nothing but grab the scissors.

I mean, seriously.



Forget the annoyance of ruining the nightgown, I was terrified of the damage she could've done had she tied the knot anywhere else. And you might remember the unfortunate episode months back when she got herself all tangled up in the bar of the trampoline.

I mean...oye, peeps. Oye, oye, oye.

So, no crying without the paci, but no napping either. And the same happened today at nap time (though, without the knottting, thank heavens, as I think I put great fear into her of ever attempting it again). 

That said, she slept perfectly last night without it (and exhaustion from no nap helped her fall asleep quickly), and all signs point to another normal night of sleep without it.


Naps = no bueno

Nighttime = woohoo!

Of course, I've learned through trial and muuuuucho error not to count my chicks with these major transitions. Sometimes the repercussions take time.

So stay tuned.

But for now, I'm happy to report that The Paci Fairy hoopla was just the thing to make this more of a positive than negative event.


Bonus pics of adorabless for ya.

Over and out!


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