Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Chica's First Lost Tooth!

I mean...when it rains milestones, it pours milestones.

So...I'm still in recovery mode from the kindergarten kick-off, nursing my Mama wounds, and then my firstborn baby went and lost her first tooth today--at school!

We've known it was loose for over a month--since her last visit to the dentist--but the wiggles really kicked into high gear over the weekend.

I told Daddy yesterday I thought it might be a good idea to take care of business, but he wanted to give it more time, ha.

So there I am today, picking her up from the kindergarten door and then rounding the corner with Chicklet and Little Man to play on the playground for a bit before heading home. And, of course, it's such a whirlwind chasing after all three with lots of other kiddos around that I don't get a good shot of Chica's mouth. 

So she's already way high up on the slide a few minutes later when she hollers down to me, "hey, Mama, guess what??" And wouldn't ya know it--the blessed event happened at lunch time today. :)

She claims that she knows when it came out. And though I have my suspicions that it might've been swallowed (whoopsie daisies), she says it fell on the floor and was "camouflaged" and she never found it, ha. She says she never told her teacher but she did tell some of her friends, hehe.

Here she is once we made it to the car...

And here are Chicklet and Little Man, chiming in with their teeth shots, hehe. 

The timing of all of this is hilarious, because the tooth fairy pillow I ordered literally arrived today at noon. 

It had been on my list of to-do's forever, but I finally pulled the trigger and ordered it this weekend when things started looking serious, ha. Talk about the nick of time!

Naturally, with no evidence to offer up, we wrote a note to the tooth fairy explaining the situation, hehe.

So many changes these days. God is truly hitting me over the head with the fact that my babies are growing. 

I get it, I get it. Make it stop!

Before I know it, I'll blink and my gorgeous Chicklet will be loosing a tooth. Waaaaaaaaah!

Oye, oye, oye.

Life, peeps.

Serious (fun) life moments we're having here these days.

Over and out.

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