Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Circus Saurus!

So...about two and a half years ago, when the girlies were still tiny and Little Man was just a growing babe in m'belly, a circus tent popped up just down the road. We saw it, we snagged tickets, and went immediately. And had a blast! was only there for that one weekend--and left us wondering all this time if it would ever return.

So imagine my excitement when we were running errands on Friday morning and saw the circus tent poles-in-the-making, and all the vehicles and cargo unloading. I. Was. So. Dang. Pumped. 

Just like last time, the circus was only here for the weekend, so we snagged prime (and inexpensive) ringside seats for yesterday afternoon, and we had a blast. Again!

The whole show was about two hours long (with a brief but welcome intermission for us to enjoy the fun activities outdoors). We were thoroughly entertained, and made it through all but the last five minutes when the kiddos started getting way too hungry for more than the popcorn and cotton candy they'd consumed. are the happy pics and happy kids watching happy entertainers.

Oh, and side note--some components of the circus had dinosaur themes this time, which was both awesome (dinosaur bouncy houses!) and terrifying (giant dinosaurs came right up to our faces during the show!) and slightly hilarious/wrong (one act involved cavemen battling the dinosaurs to the death, ha). But it was all in the name of entertainment. :)

Chica was getting a big kick out of a comedic act that involved a goofy guy conducting a fake orchestra and repeatedly throwing his wand, ha. I adore her face in these pics. 

Chicklet was a rock star during the show. She was the most riveted least startled (even in the face of the dinosaurs) of all three kiddos. 

I should've know, since she was riveted, even as a baby back in the day...

I know, I know..look how they've grown!

Little Man was pretty involved, too. Until the popcorn ran out, ha. Luckily, it was a pretty relaxed and loud atmosphere. 

There was an act with these gorgeous, white horses that raced around the ring over and over. We were mere inches away--so close one horse even let some spit fly on Chica, causing her to duck down every subsequent time they passed, ha.

And naturally, the bouncy houses and slides during intermission were giant hits with the kiddos. I mean, biggest smiles ever.

And look at that beautiful sky in the background. The weather was great, since the rain didn't come in until much later in the night. 

Oh, and one major thrill we didn't take advantage of last time--an elephant ride! Believe it or not, Chica passed in favor of watching with Daddy. But the other two were all in, woohoo!

I feel so blessed to live in a metroplex where these things are possible (though I imagine the circus pops up everywhere!). And even more blessed to have the funds to take advantage on a moment's notice.

It was truly a fun family outing that I was all the more grateful for, since it fell in between rounds of any illness! Gotta make all these moderately healthy days count!

Over and out.

P.S. Yes, that is a dinosaur sword Chicklet's holding, but was purchased for all three to share. Which is going so "awesome" (along with the obnoxious, seizure-inducing light up features of the sword), that I've already hidden it temporarily, ha.

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