Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Exhaustion, It Is Us


It was not a good day.

And not to end with the beginning, but major spoiler alert: my kiddos went to bath and bed early—out of mental and physical necessity (for all our sakes’).

Honestly, it’s a move I’ve never really made in my Mommy Years. The whole, putting everybody to bed early ‘cause we just can’t cross the finish line. Usually, early is on time for us because Daddy works a little late-ish on average and I always want them to get some time with him.

But tonight, I was totally vindicated in my that’s-it-we’re-throwing-in-the-towel actions when two of my kiddos (Chica and Little Man) fell asleep immediately (as in, passed out cold by 6:52 pm), and Chicklet— praise the heavens—wasn’t too far behind them.

So now, let me rewind and start the day from the beginning.

It was ugly Christmas sweater day at school for Chica, and we made sure to participate—including flashing Christmas light bulb necklace (that she wore, but kept in her backpack most of the day).

She was thrilled to find Leaf having a tea party with some holiday finger puppet friends, and even showed him her sweater. ;)

And as a fun bonus to our morning—it was pouring down rain. Which is sort of rare-ish for a December day, and was unexpectedly lovely.

So we soaked it up. Literally.

And I took it as our cue to just ignore any errands or to-dos and just chill.

So we did.

We lounged.

In the gloom and rain.

And had a couple solid morning hours of all play and no electronics.

I should have taken it as my first impending sign of doom that my boy could not stop yawning all morning, which is pretty unusual for him.

And I definitely should have taken it as my second bad sign when Chicklet passed out cold on the way to pick up a Chick-fil-A. 

This isn’t such a rare occurrence in the afternoon, since she rarely takes an official nap. But it’s never a good sign if it happens in the morning.


Fastforward a couple of irritating hours trying to get stuff done during nap time whilst trying to be a kind Mama and let Chicklet hang with me in my room during quiet time, and then we had to brave the downpour to go pick up Chica from the kindergarten door, as usual.

Talk about a buzzkill for Mama, but a thrill for everyone else.

The kiddos were all over it.




Best ever. Must be trampled upon.

Running streams of overflowing water?

Must ignore Mama’s please and go dip my hands in it.


Will fight to the death over rights to hold it.

And my “favorite”...

Running stream of dirty water next to the curb?

Must get down on hands and knees and slurp it up like a dog (ahem, Chicklet.)

Honestly, they looked so cute and were so happy, I was trying to see it all as an adventure(albeit, disastrous one). But all I could think was: croup, coughs, wet, mud, fighting and not listening.

So it probably wasn’t wise to head to the grocery store after that, but we were close to the eating-cardboard stage after being stuck home with the sick kiddos this weekend and passing up on our regular grocery run.


I didn’t think it would be quite the horrific disaster it was, and I’m sorry to report that Chicklet was the worst offender whilst in the store. 

I’d go through all her offenses, but the list is long and frustrating and the discipline ineffective, given the public venue and the giant cart of groceries I was stuck with.

So. By the time we left (and called Daddy at work so her could reinforce the you’re-in-BIG-trouble-missy vibe), I was done for. 

Like, done for.

And then Chicklet passed out again.

And I wanted to love her cute little pouty mouth, but I was just so dang mad.

And I gotta say, the trio’s behavior did not improve once home. Little Man contributed an EPIC and lengthy meltdown, there was more misbehaving all around, and...

Bath time.


Just one of those days.

It was a toughie one.

And not one I want to repeat.

So here’s hoping these still-not-well kiddos get some gooooood rest tonight.

And it wouldn’t hurt for Mama to get some, too!

I love my babies and these days happen, but let’s now repeat immediately, puh-leaaaaase.

Over and out.

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