Thursday, December 14, 2017

Holiday Project Palooza


Too sick to go to school, Chica??

Spiking a fever that leaves you feeling zapped and irritable Chicklet??

Starting to hack like you’ve got a mild case of croup (again, again, again) Little Man???

What to do?

What. To. Do.

I know.

Consolation Crafting.


Which is pretty much the only excitement we’ve had around our casa for the last 48 hours.

Unless you wanna count the endless excitement of a game I like to call wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-roulette.

Which child is it gonna to be?

Which parent is drawing the short straw?

How many rounds to we get to play?

I’m on the edge of my seat here!

(Please note my heavy dose of sarcasm and the oh-so-light amount of sleep that’s been had the last few nights. Oye. I like to think the two are related. Yes??? Yes.)

But back to the crafting.

Our tame distractions while we’re down and out.

We’ve done foam gingerbread houses (sorry, lost those photos in the new phone transfer). Beaded holiday wreaths. Painted nutcrackers. And foam snowmen. Woohoo!

Here’s where my poor youngest babies start looking so sad and sickly. :(

His look here is so meh. And notice the presence of pacis (which aren’t allowed anymore during the daytime. Poor boy was needing some comfort.)

But he was super devoted to his work.

And I must say, I absolutely adore his Picasso snowman, and he was quite possessive of it, ha.

Chicklet found the perfect spot for hers.

And my sweet babies even went back to the snowmen later in the evening.

Love seeing these cute crafty smiles all over the place.

Now can I just see a few more of those smiles from my kiddos, puh-lease???

Wish us decent luck with our night’s sleep.

Over and out.

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