Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Fantastic Farewell (For Now) Visit To Our Dinosaurs

So, we had a glorious day of beauuuutiful (though gusty) weather, and we totally did it up right.

We had dance class, and then some outdoor play down our fun hill beside the dance studio, and then just kept the good times a’rollin’ when we picked up lunch and had an impromptu backyard picnic.

Then we capped it all off by picking Chica up from school, tossing in some playground play, and then (drumroll puh-lease) paying a visit to our beloved dinosaurs at our nature sanctuary!

It was fantastic.

We hadn’t been in ages (lots of sporadic cold weather this winter for once!), and the dinosaurs leave in a couple weeks, and don’t return until the Fall. So it was a perfect adventure for a perfect day.

To say the kiddos were ecstatic to be there would be the understatement of the century. And truth be told, Mama was pretty dang happy, too.

Grateful for a fun day, and pretty happy kiddos.

The most adorable part of our visit today was the fact that all the kiddos were a bit wary of the dinosaurs, ha. 

I mean, last Fall, when we were there on a near-weekly basis, the kiddos were total buds with the dinosaurs. Barely glancing back when a roar let loose.

But with a bit of separation, the animatronic movement and roaring gave them a bit of pause. And I’m not gonna lie—I sort of loved it. ;)

So, dang, cute.

I mean, I’ll cry into my Cheerios the day they’re all old enough not to be one iota scared.

So grateful for a happy day with little stress.

It’s sort of a no-brainer that when the kiddos can be released into the wild, everything feels a bit more manageable.

So even though it’s getting colder again tomorrow, I find myself already looking forward to Spring.

Happy Hump Day, peeps!

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