Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Their Pet Project


I’m sorry to say (because I’m a mean, unflinching Mama on this front) that the kiddos have entered the I-wanna-pet phase, and they are adorably (if unsuccessfully) persistent, ha.

I blame all the doggies that are around for school pickup. It’s like sniffing an newborn’s head when you have baby fever. They’re done for.

And I also blame fun play dates at friends’ houses and visits to family members—many of whom have lovely pets (that I have no desire to care for).

And I also blame my older bro, who conveniently works from home much of the time, and therefore provides frequent, daytime FaceTime services when we need a distraction or a pick-me-up, or a he-stoke-my-toy-and-won’t-give-it-back distraction. So we call to see his kitty cats.

I mean, this is my crazy trio crowded around the phone, stalking—er, I mean staring at the cats.

And this is the letter Chica wrote for me last week, ha.

Now, as I mentioned, I am cold and unfeeling on this front (I have no time or energy or desire to care for one more thing. Even my potted plants seem moderately needy come July).


I bought ‘em a cat craft instead.


I adore this shot more than I can tell you because it’s such a typical Chica smile...


My beautiful girl in this rainy afternoon lighting...

I seriously lurv that we’ve been in the habit now for years of hanging our projects and what nots on the playroom window.

It makes me smile—especially when looking at the hilarious windows from the outside of the casa.

We have a lotta success with these foam/sticker craft packs, and this is one of a handful I picked up last week at Hobby Lobby. Yay for stocking up!

We’re staring down a few rainy days ‘round these parts, so more projects to come, I’m sure.

(More tomorrow on a fun, leaf/clay mold project we started today!)

Peace out, peeps!

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