Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Summer Art Challenge—Fashion Art


I’m gettin’ reals here.

I spent a looooong time doing a lengthy post about something entirely different—and then lost it all. And got really mad. And I don’t have the time or the willpower to re-draft it tonight, ‘cause I’m coco loco.

So...I’ll take a cleansing breath and try that one again tomorrow—and instead, phone it in on a post about this project we did this afternoon as part of Chica’s Summer Art Challenge.

#12: Fashion Art
Design a shirt or item of clothing. Easy peasy.

Sadly, we missed a very fun event last week that we typically adore (National Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A) because of Chicklet’s poor incident.

We’d purchased supplies to make our cow shirts so we could get our free meal, and then all the supplies went unused. :(

But today, I turned that frown upside down and busted out the white shirts and let the kids paint and paint and paint, with our fun stencils as guidelines.

They were happy and it was a wild success (thank heavens, since it was a first for painting at the kitchen table instead of the island due to Chicklet’s cast constraints). They were all totally into it today, stayed at it for a long time, managed to stay pretty clean (say, what?!), and the clean-up was easy.

I mean...hallelujah.

And something else crossed off the Challenge list. Wohoo!

Because I’m a terrible Mama, I didn’t manage to get final shots of all three shirts because I was trying for documentation for Chica’s school Challenge paperwork. Booooo.

But maybe I’ll take more pics tomorrow and add them to the post because they all turned out great and unique (as always) to my babies. :)

P.S. I noticed today that one of the Art Challenges is to do a project with someone else. And I laughed. Because, hello?? That’s every project of our lives! Done and done.

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