Monday, September 24, 2018

Early Fall Project Round-Up!


I’ve had this niggling feeling in the back o’ my mind for dayyyyz now, because time is just truckin’ right along, life as usual, without anyone in the world wise to the fact that I have a backlog of tiny projects we’ve completed that I never posted.

I mean...if a project passes without being posted, did it even happen???

(I kid, I kid.)

(Of course it didn’t happen if it didn’t get posted.

(Just like those poor trees that fall silently in the woods.)

(Also. It is quite possible that I’ve lost my mind, which is a bad sign, considering it’s Monday.)


Without further ado (adieu—nope, that’s not right), enjoy this random smattering of happy projects we’ve enjoyed over the past few weeks with no time to post, and little time to edit pics to make ‘em purdy. But you don’t care. So, heeeeere we go:

Mask Making

I particularly enjoyed the Haku dance Chicklet did whilst wearing hers (because it reminded her of an episode of a show she lurvs).

Chubby Paint Sticks:

Always a crowd pleaser; we bust these out in a regular basis and uber-enjoy the new, giant pack we purchased with neons and metallics.

Halloween Suncatchers (which seems like an odd juxtaposition , ha):

I’ve got some serious painters in the casa, peeps. Loads o’ concentration here. ;)

Halloween Costumed Foam Pets & Ghouls (two different kits on two different days; similar diversionary fun):

One of those we even did while a friend was over to play.

That’s sort of become one of our things when we have friends over (that and the bouncy house, ha).

I had one little friend tell me during a play date this afternoon at our house that she was “ready for art” and it made my heart smile like a fool.

And last but certainly not least...

Inflatable Dinosaurs:

Grandpa gets bonus points for discovering these and giving them to the kiddos the last time we were in Tulsa.

Alas, we had no time to complete them during the visit, so we happily brought them home, busted out our new glitter markers that were perfect for the ocassion, and voila! Happy projecting.



Now this particular brain niggling has abated, but be forewarned—I have other totally random things to expunge from m’brain this week, should time allow.

But we like randomness around here.

So just roll with me.

Happy (Kinda, If We Must) Monday, peeps!

Over and out.

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