Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Fun Run—2018 was the annual fundraising Fun Run at a Chica’s elementary school. Woohoo!

And for anybody who’s wondering what the heck a Fun Run goes something like this:

Kiddos run.

And run and run.

And then walk.

And mosey and meander.

And stop for lots and lots o’ water breaks.

And form a major bottleneck at the starting line of each lap, where a parent volunteer marks off their progress on the back of their shirt.

Because they’re running laps for money. 

And wearing out those wee widdle wegs.

And wrapping up the hour all exhausted and pink-cheeked.

After days of rain, and an unexpectedly cooler dip in temps yesterday, today rang in bright and clear and hot. Parent spectators everywhere were peeling off layers and seeking some much-needed shade.

But the kiddos were champs—and probably happy to shake up their daily routine. :)

Heeeere’s Chica’s class!

And my girlie a’waving.

She completed a few laps solo, but many involved buddy fun—and I particularly adored one lap where she held hands with one of her besties. They were having the most animated conversation with each of their free hands, and it was just presh.

And speaking of presh...was insane to look at the little kindergartners in the next lane over and wonder: was my kiddo really that tiny last year???

And the answer is one big, fat, yup.

I mean, just look at my trio last year:

They were so much smaller! And the whole ordeal was so much more painful! It was tons o’ crying and angst because Chicklet and Little Man didn’t understand why they couldn’t run with sissy. Oye.

So it was, yet again—this seems to be my theme lately—so disorienting to only have a chill Little Man with me while Chicklet was at Pre-K. It wasn’t nearly as angsty and back-breaking...though to be honest, I was sad not to have my whole brood with me. :(


There is a silver lining

Someday, I’ll have all three of my babies in elementary together, and all participating with their own grades. What a fun day that will be. :)

So...other news from today—less than 24 hours after Chica lost her top, front tooth, the surrounding few have shifted massively. It’s so inane! Teeth are crazy!

Here she was last night...

And here she was this afternoon!

It’s just so strange! I’m so glad I don’t remember loosing teeth all that much, ‘cause it’s just such a funny process when you think about it, ha.

And lastly, for this Thursday evening...this post just wouldn’t be right without some Chicklet love. And what could be cuter than her enthusiasm over a fire truck visit to school on Tuesday, and her hat that came home today. :) :) :)

Here she is, front and center and wildly pumped.

And this crazy cuteness slays me (me: crazy; her: cute).

I mean, I lurv.

Oh—dang it! One last, last tidbit from today...

When Little Man and I were at a lengthy and much-needed car wash, we spotted a police officer and mildly stalked him while he washed his patrol car. 

Shockingly, he noticed our, ahem, enthusiasm, and came over to us after he was done and gave Little Man a badge sticker, and Little Man was over the moon.

Soooo many good things about the week.

Soooo many activities and packed schedules (that seems to be our normal these days).

And the weekend ahead ain’t slowin’ down for our crew!


Life is beautiful when it’s full. And hopefully, a nap is in my near (like, within the year?) future, ha.

Over and out, peeps.

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