Monday, October 15, 2018

Low On The Temps, High On The Sniffles a many an area of the country, this past weekend took an unseasonably chilly turn (not really complaining), and ended up all about the rain, rain, rain (maybe just a teensy bit of complaining).

We were scheduled to go to the arboretum (yay, for the pumpkin explosion!) on Saturday, and have outdoor family pictures at the Christmas Tree Farm on Sunday, and you can guess what happened to both.

Cancelled and cancelled.

(Deep sigh.)

Or rather—rescheduled and rescheduled, I hope!

Still. We made the best of it on Saturday with a family outing to our great, newer bowling alley for food, pins and arcade games, and it was a blast (but pictures were no bueno due to dim lighting).

Then Sunday, my Chicklet had a special four-year-old scavenger hunt during the Sunday School hour at church. 

We managed to pull that off, then the church service, and then a lovely family lunch—before rain swept in again, ha.

But by dinnertime, my Chicklet was wanting to snuggle so much that I knew two things to be true: 1) she might need to use the potty, and 2) she wasn’t feeling tip-top.

We met Daddy for our standard Monday lunch today, and she was in fine spirits, but the sniffles, sneezing and coughing really ratchetched up several notches by bedtime. And she’s already been up a few times for more medicine and to report that she doesn’t feel good.


Why do I get the sneaking suspicion she won’t be going to school tomorrow.

These yo-yo temperatures and major seasonal shifts are hard. And the rain and chill just amplifies it all. But it’s really funny that I was just thinking the other day that we’re collectively in far better health this October than we were last (though I just jinxed myself for typing that!). And to prove it, check out the ribbon Chica came home with on Friday:

It was for perfect attendance the first quarter of school—something we for sure didn’t pull off last year!

So, yay, for baby health steps.

Boo, for brewing cold germs.

And, yikes, for the visit we have to make to the pediatrician’s office tomorrow for flu shots, because I hate the idea of the gazillions of other germs we might pick up there!

Hand sanitizer anyone??? 

Peace out, peeps.

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