Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Simple Math

So...you see this adorable little mischievous nugget right here???

This kinda-blue-but-mostly-green-eyed lil’ devil o’ mine???

He and I have been major buds this past week since school started for the girlies.

I mean, there’s very little angst and complaining, I only have to assist one tiny human in buckling any car seat contraptions when we run errands, and he’s been game to play outside and dig and shovel and do sidewalk chalk and race me on his scooter down the street when we’re on breaks from this massive round o’ yard work we’re tackling.

I mean, I’m not gonna lie—we’ve been having some low-key, but pretty happy-happy-joy-joy fun together.

Which brings me to the crux of some major Mama guilt. 

Because as much as I adore, adore, adore giving undivided attention to one kiddo, the joy is tainted by the pain and yuckiness of not having all three of my beloved babies underfoot all day!

How can I have fun when they’re not all with me??? Why can’t I have a rotation, every third day, getting this kind of quality alone time with a different one of my beautiful babies???

Alas, that’s just not how life works when dealing with multiple kiddos, amiright???

You do your best sharing all the love and attention around as much as humanly possible, but one-on-one time just doesn’t happen so much—except for bedtime when they each get some devoted love.

And based on birth order, they start school in stair steps, so some leave and others stay, and it’s just the science of the growing-up process. Sigh. (Also, don’t even get me started on the college years when some will leave and others will stay. Just stab me in the gut why don’t ya???)

I suppose I’m fortunate that my babies love being around one another for the most part, and don’t generally indicate a need to be singled out for special time with just one parent. So we must be dividing time as equitably as possible if they appear to be secure with the attention they get (I hope, I hope, I hope).

And I’m also fortunate that I’ve hit this joy/guilt life stage in previous years (I mean, seriously, I wrote a post almost a year ago to the week, titled, “The Joy & The Guilt,” ha)—each time Chica and Chicklet kicked off preschool and I was minus a child or two for a few hours.

It’s just simple math.

Three kiddos, minus two in school, equals one who gets spoiled with attention. 

(Another sigh.)

Alas...I’m going to just try and be grateful for the love and snuggles and fun with my Little Man, rather than swim in the guilt of missing my other two. And, let’s be real—the girlies get far more devoted time from me post-school, when I feel pretty dang secure that Little Man has more than had his fill of me for the day, ha.

Again...simple math.

One Little Man who gets daytime attention, plus two girlies home from their school day, equals tiny women ruling the evening roost.


Love my babies any time of day I can get them.

Happy Tuesday, peeps.

Over and out.

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