Monday, October 28, 2019

Boos & Frights

Okay, peeps. Heeeeere we go with  another catch-up post!

This one: Boo Bags! Everybody’s favorite neighborhood pay-forward-the-spooky-fun. :)

If you’re unaware, the gist is to assemble a bag of inexpensive little goodies or candy, delivery it anonymously to a neighbor, and recommend that they continue the spooky, neighborly silliness. There’s a whole poem that goes with it, and it’s all so cute.

We were first “Boo-ed” maybe three or four years ago, back in Dallas, and it was such a delight at the time to be initiated into the whole rigamarole when we had no clue it existed.

And it’s always been even more delightful to assemble our bags for someone else and send the kiddos sneakily up to a neighbor’s door to ring and run!

I love that the tradition seems to be even more mainstream these days, because Tar-jay actually sold official “Boo” bags this year, along with “Boo” postcard/poems to include with the bag. Perfecto—and easy breezy.

We actually did these more than a week ago, on a Friday afternoon when Daddy was already home from work. It was his first Boo round with us in these past few years. :)

And...a week later, it was super fun to come home from our Saturday out (more on that below) a Boo Bag waiting on our porch. :) Such a simple joy, but yet another little tradition I love during our Halloween season.

Okay, now...a tradition we might not continue: going to Six Flags on the last Saturday before Halloween, unaware of the major popularity of this little (obvious, major under-exaggeration) thing called...Fright Fest. 


We really did not think this one through.

Our low-key brains just went: huh, we have no soccer this weekend, free Six Flags tickets (a fun bonus from the hubby’s work event there at the start of Summer), the weather is stunning, and we have no major to-dos. So let’s treat the kiddos!

Um...not so much!

We stood in our first line for an hour before finally making it relatively close to the front...where the ride was shut down due to high water levels (it was a raft water ride), and some necessary maintenance. Bahaha.

Add to that the fact that parking was quite packed, the line to security was quite packed, the line to scan tickets was quite packed, and the line for our free souvenir water bottles (must stay hydrated!) was quite packed, and...we were at the park for two hours before managing a single ride. Ha. 

I mean, between our first visit there in June, when my car was totaled (it still hurts to type it, and definitely doesn’t help that the kiddos even remembered it was the scene of the crime) and this hilarious misadventure-in-timing visit, the universe might be trying to tell us something!

Alas...we rallied, the kiddos were mostly oblivious to the misfortune (including two other rides in the family section of the park that were also shut down). So they were still happy as clams, and we managed to wrap up, head over for a really yummy dinner close by, and still have a lovely family afternoon. :)

You know, as we’re winding down these last few days of October leading up to the big trick-or-treat day, and I find myself listing all the things I don’t want to pass up (That one other project! Can we make it to a corn maze? Do we have enough decorations?), I have to remind myself of all that we have enjoyed.

All it takes is one quick perusal of this past month’s posts to remind myself that we’ve had one amazingly wonderful Halloween season, and October, in particular (I mean...hello, Colorado!). 

So no regrets. Just time to coast through the rest and look forward to all that November has to offer!

Over and out, peeps.

P.S. Little Man and I may or may not have purchased three Christmas trees today. But more on that another day, tehe.

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