Saturday, February 15, 2020

Our Cavern Adventure!

Oh holy goodness, I can’t believe we followed up the hoopla of Valentine’s Day yesterday with an awesomesauce family adventure today. And one that we we planned spur-of-the-moment, no less! 

We hilariously woke up fully intending to go someplace else completely different, but had to “default” to this when our original plans were foiled, ha. And we ended up having the best day. 

Talk about meant to be. :)

Basically, we’ve had this nearby cavern on our list of things to check out for nearly a year. But never had the time—or inclination to put it at the top of our list.

But, man, am I glad we rectified that. Because this place was so coolio. And so substantial! I mean, it was practically a full adventure experience—and we didn’t even partake in half of what was offered on site. We had no idea it was such an event. I mean, I’ve been to a handful of caverns in my life, but this was my favorite. And the largest I’ve seen.

And needless to say, the kiddos were pumped. Totally decked out in their adventure pack gear, explorer hats, and, in Chicklet’s case, a purse, stuffed animal and toy phone. Ya know...just in case. ;)

Also, let this be known as The Day Little Man Decided He Likes To Wear Hats Backwards, ha.

He busted this one out of his closet and told me he’d seen someone wear one backwards in a video (I suspect a Spider-Man movie we recently watched, hehe). And he could not have been more adorable—even if the hat (one that was purchased for his two-year-old-head) was too small, tehe.

We went on a guided, 75-minute tour through the caverns, and totally got our cardio in. It was about a 180-foot ascent at the end! But never overwhelming for the kiddos. And no scary super-tight spaces, either. And talk about the most amazing formations. 

Once we exited the actual cavern and tour, we headed to the fun souvenir shop, and sweets store, and then enjoyed some outdoor time getting some sugar in our bellies.

This incredible, multi-tiered adventure/zip lining course (for kiddos, even!) just opened a few months ago, and even though the kiddos were dying to try, we decided to save it for our next visit. Because I have no doubt we’ll be returning. :)

Seriously, so grateful for this fun find. We only accomplished half of what is possible on site—and there’s even a nearby Wildlife preserve (that Chica gets to go to during a Field Trip day in a couple of weeks) that is absolutely on our list now, as well.

Better still, the drive out to this area (just a half hour) is exactly the kind of open land, cows/horses/goats/llama sighting kind of adventurous drive that we really enjoy. It’s so reminiscent of a drive north of the city that we used to take when we lived in McKinney. So it gave us all sorts of happy feels, the kiddos were tech-free and loving the views out the window, and all was really happy.

And...the hubby even scored a win with an off-the-beaten path restaurant on the return home. It had the kiddos and I a little wary when we pulled up, but was so quirky/charming on the interior, with really yummy food.

Seriously a great, unplanned day. And I’m so grateful to have had it before tomorrow’s round of church/grocery run/errands closes out the official weekend. But the kiddos are off school on Monday, and it will be nice not to feel guilty about keeping it low-key that day, since we managed something so fun today. :)

Happy Weekend, peeps!

Over and out. 

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